Over 31 degrees Government says go home

Bloody hell this country, it snows airports close, the road networks become gridlocked, it rains and the government have us panic buying sand bags, it gets cold we are urged to stay in doors, then it gets lovely and hot and the country’s told to go home. The big man up there can’t bloody win. How every other country handles there year long climate extremes ill never know the whole world carries on like normal apart from our little Island, a few weeks off extreme weather and were In meltdown. I can think off a million better things to do than sit behind a steering wheel but ■■■■ me make the most off it, enjoy it cause it won’t last long. Que next months thread…“■■■■■ rain what a pile off ■■■■ it is working in this weather and all the women have put there jumpers back on ■■■■■ British weather!”. :slight_smile:

Traffic chaos today.Coaches on fire.Cars on fire.Sounds like poor maintenance to me.

Im just happy that my firm supply me with sunglasses :sunglasses:

Yeah I keep hearing on the radio its hot, its 28 or whatever. That’s hot? Really? Whoopy do.

I was in Thailand in March, it was 37* every day - IN THE SHADE!
Though thankfully I didn’t have to do any manual labour.
As bazstan009 pointed out, it can be a lot higher in the sun.

I would hazard a guess that less than 10% of the trucks there have ac.

I only turn my A/C on when it’s over 25c or very humid as after a 6 month winter where it goes down to the -30s, I like the nice warm weather.

Last summer my A/C packed up in California, it was in the 40s, I tried the double 55 air con trick, but had one wasp too many for my liking, so had to MTFU and close the windows.

Couldn’t get it fixed until I got to Vegas, so went and loaded and hotel’d it that night. I ran up to Vegas early so it wasn’t so hot. Only problem was it never dipped below 30c at night, so my little plan had a major flaw :laughing:

I thought I could handle it as I spent a good many years over the water with no A/C, but I couldn’t do it, it nigh on killed me, been spoiled for too long :blush:

I used to work as a steel fixer in Florida.Working at height on skyscrapers and sometimes no safety net or harness.
In the heat its a miracle nobody fell off.
Used to gawp at the billionaires and their super yachts cruising the inland waterways of Broward and Dade counties rivers and canals in Miami and Fort Lauderdale.
As you can imagine the ladies sprawled all over the decks.

Anyone else noticed the massive increase in blow outs and carnage all over the road the last week or so ■■ obvious why, just never noticed it being so prolific before tbh, not like we have never had hot weather before eh.

You also need to be careful about screwing loaded trailers round hard on tarmac in this weather - you’ll rip it up.