irish lorries:
You know what they say big cab small…air deflector?
Can anybody remember the first premiums that came out that had a bed/couch set up with no passenger seat
Daf xf or a Kenworth but failing that the Renault is the better out of the 3 you mentioned, at least for space.
I’d stick with a CF or jack the job in.
Jesus wept, take the prem!
Well no doubt I’m about to shock some people…played around with both merc and renault this morning, took the merc out for an afternoon of local work and couldn’t fault it !!
Space and storage not great in either but the merc felt a better place to live for a wk at a time.
Well no doubt I’m about to shock some people…played around with both merc and renault this morning, took the merc out for an afternoon of local work and couldn’t fault it !!Space and storage not great in either but the merc felt a better place to live for a wk at a time.
Don’t worry its only the badge snobs at work , any of these trucks are perfect for any sort of work , just observe how many of all of each make and model are in every day use in fairly large volumes .
irish lorries:
You should keep the cf or get a fm but if you can’t the renault is the best you will never hear a good thing about a axor
Saw one on fire a few months ago.
I wonder how that happened
That’s your choice boo1729 if you like the axor take it
Have spent the last year tramping in an Axor and I can’t fault it.
Have spent the last year tramping in an Axor and I can’t fault it.
I rest my case LOL !!!.
Renault. The Axor a supermarket glorified day cab lorry. The Renault a smaller entry level proper lorry. It’s also so nice to drive compared to Axor. Like a little point and shoot go cart of the HGV world. A good little underated lorry. Despite uncool badge and smallish cab one of the nicest trucks I’ve ever used. Can’t say I explored the storage on those when drove them on days. Try the bed for size in both if you find an opportunity. The annoying quirky location of park brake is made up for by the suspension hand control being placed on a mag mount in a handy location rather than buried in the floor.
Just one thing to consider if you are very tall the Renault may be short on legroom (I’m 6ft 2 and found it ok) but if you suffer sea sickness then avoid the Mercs, they rock and roll like Spanish galleons.
Well yeah, if it’s got wheels & an engine, it’s fine, he asked which we’d choose though.
I put all my stuff on the top hammock in the prem, just unclip one side & pull it out a bit, hey presto. If you need more room than that, you’ve too much stuff. I’m away all week in mine. As I’ve said before my only crit is the midlift doesn’t steer & the interior lining is too light for the dirt. Seat covers & mattress covers are a must.
Handles like Lewis Hamilton’s goer.
Renault please…kaxor dont get me started
This thread makes me nervous as i’ve recently been in discussion about a job tramping (well 4 -5 nights out a week so sort of tramping). Anyway the chat got past the pay rate on to the motor, and as you can guess after a bit of bluster about how it would be me own motor till renewed etc I asked what make is was (please begin with a ‘V’ I prayed), nope its a high roof Axor…
Lucky escape, not in either of those & jumping into an Actros 13 reg instead