One For The Supermarket Drivers






:unamused:… has it ever occurred to you that the driver is just like you trying to earn a crust? why make his life hard :unamused:

He’s already made his life hard by working for tesco in the first place, that’s not OP’s fault…:exclamation:

+1…who wants to be civil to a Tesco truck,and then be stuck behind a rolling roadblock.there not allowed to speed because of the in cab spy stuff unless they want to have to listen to some t/m fanny gobbing off berating and lecturing you during the inevitable “debrief” on return.i worked on and off as agency before I just couldn’t suffer anymore self embarrassment of sitting in one of their dinkytoys,so I would know how it works. your on the front door of a rolling roadblock every single trip,and theres nothing you can do about it.your instructed not to pull in to let others pass etc,its all about safety,which equates into its all about saving fuel,total incompetent operating pish…work for a company like that,and you deserve all the contempt that comes your way.

I don’t work for tesco but I would rather do that than be chasing around all day wondering what skanky msa or dead layby I’m going to be spending my night in the tin box instead of being at home with my family. And of course earning more money for less hours helps as well…

although I used to,then I don’t work for Tesco either,as my self respect wouldn’t allow me to,at the same time,i don’t really wonder what stinking msa or dead laybye il end up sleeping in either as mostly I don’t,the difference being,im working to suit myself in a top spec unit,hence a degree of creature comfort and self sufficiency,a concept alien to those of the Tosco persuasion…each to their own,but if you cant pass a Tosco type assessment,then you must be ■■■■■■■■■ as a well trained monkey could get there .I don’t handball,and other than drawing the pallet truck to the back door,or vise versa loading,then that’s about it for me,not exactly a hands on dirty job there like it used to be. theres apparently some who can make more of a wage some weeks from the mince I see on here,obviously their idea of self respect is different to mine,hence if the job suits you,then do it,and don’t worry about how much someone else gets…each to their own.personally for me,to be employed in a beancounter,dragging it out for hours,tosco/agency type job is beneath my self respect,hence I work to suit myself.i.e on trip money,flat out,and wangle the cards to suit.i get plenty of r&r time off,and come and go to a certain expent,moreso abroad.once again,you cant be away for a couple of weeks and try to compute your wages into hours worked,if you did,then your actually very well paid,but if you try to work it into hours waiting,or on a ferry etc,then it gets reduced,but at that point,your not working,plus its your weeks/months wages that are important,so long as you work to suit yourself,just be happy.

Dieseldog mate, we all get it, you run bent, you run flat out, you think everybody that runs to the law is a [zb]. The reason we all get it is because, how can I put this… you may have mentioned it in passing once or twice. :neutral_face:
Presumably it’s to get a reaction, up to now you haven’t had one, maybe because everybody is thinking the same thing eh?
I don’t know how long you have done this job, although I suspect you are still at the blind keen stage being that you prioritize driving a top range truck over wages :unamused:
Bizarrely you think it’s cool to run around like a mad [zb] all day (and presumably night)

As for me, you may have me down as one of those stupid [zb] who run straight all the time, and hey, guess what? you’d be right.
However what you maybe don’t know is I used to be an owner driver in the 80s, a time when everybody and their Dad ran bent as a matter of course, so anything you are doing now (and more) I done 30yrs ago, but there was a big difference then, the penalties were not as harsh as today ie. you weren’t jailed for instance, althoughI suspect that will not bother you, well maybe not until the [zb] hits the fan and you find yourself the subject of one big cluster [zb].
But the bigger difference between us then and you now is…We didn’t tell everybody or boast about it at every [zb] opportunity!! :bulb:
So to put it in a nutshell mate, it’s just getting a tad boring now…just saying like :neutral_face:

1…I don’t prioritize a top spec truck over wages…im doing a job I want to do the way I want to do it and if I didn’t have a suitable truck to do it in,i wouldn’t be doing it at wages would generally be deemed to be 2nd to none for working from Ireland,and im well happy with what I earn,and how I earn it…
2 I had no self respect for myself working for Tosco and the like as its just a demeaning brain dead job,hence I wouldn’t be doing it for a grand a week as I find that style too demeaning
3 having had my licence now for 30 years,ive been there and done that long enough for the mad for tar novelty to have worn off a while ago.
4 I don’t think its cool to run bent,i just think its normal as that the way ive always done it(apart from trying the Tosco guff etc now and again)…I just cant stomache the normal agency/Tosco logic of dragging the ■■■ out of every run as a union run,h/s jobsworth which is exactly the same logic that has had every major british industry business go bust and close. eg the pits,almost all of the british car industry,the steelworks etc.
I moved to Ireland years ago as their somewhat behind the times regarding a lot of things,as well as lots of co`s and subbies just happy to crack on, so each to their own,work how you like,and don’t worry about the other guy…just saying like.there are none so blind…etc… :unamused:


Do you find that other drivers are less inclined to let you out at junctions because of Tescos reputation? I’ve noticed Tescos seem to wait longer than other lorrys because most people know they “take our safety seriously.”
I admit when on job and knock, on more than one occasion I’ve left Tescos sitting there.

:open_mouth: Why would you.
I for eg. hate Stobarts as a co, the reason being that they are pretentious and so far up their own arses , but their drivers have nothing to do with that, well except maybe for a couple of them :unamused: , every driver is the same to me on the road, Stobarts, Supermarket, East Euro, …and yeh, even agency :laughing:

the same here

tango boy:

Dan Punchard:

Do you find that other drivers are less inclined to let you out at junctions because of Tescos reputation? I’ve noticed Tescos seem to wait longer than other lorrys because most people know they “take our safety seriously.”
I admit when on job and knock, on more than one occasion I’ve left Tescos sitting there.

Seeing as you drive a 6 wheeler tipper I presume you don’t go that far so I would put this down to the drivers in your area rather than what firm a lorry belongs to .

Tesco’s & Asda Didcot lol :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

ASDA not a problem they do 40. Tescos doing 35, (and Gilhuber on the A420 are as bad) is just ■■■■■■■■■■■ On the subject of courtesy, who would let a tractor out infront of them? They aren’t much slower than Tescos.

I have seen many times when a driver is struggling to reverse in to a parking place or a blindside at a depot, the UK drivers just sit in their cabs laughing, and have a smirk on their face.
It is only an Eastern European driver that walks over to help out.
As for Tesco, why do they have the most ugliest trucks, the Axor, with it’s stick on, add on, glued on side and roof wind deflectors ?
Chuffing along at 35 mph on the motorway.A donkey would get there quicker.
With the money saved on fuel using low speed tugs, and cheap trucks, what have they done with the money saved ?

I second that ,when i first past my test i was struggling reversing truck on some wooden ramps because the bay was higher than the trailer. anyhow two chaps came over helping me get it right they was polish top blokes they was made me think twice about polish people. nice nature d folk. f–k the english :smiley:

:lol: being honest I think the touch paper was lit on the first post, then boom :laughing:

It takes very little effort these days. :wink:
The Oxford Mail’s worse; I have 3 aliases banned on there, normally from aggravating religious people, university people and general lentil munchers.


I have seen many times when a driver is struggling to reverse in to a parking place or a blindside at a depot, the UK drivers just sit in their cabs laughing, and have a smirk on their face.
It is only an Eastern European driver that walks over to help out.
As for Tesco, why do they have the most ugliest trucks, the Axor, with it’s stick on, add on, glued on side and roof wind deflectors ?
Chuffing along at 35 mph on the motorway.A donkey would get there quicker.
With the money saved on fuel using low speed tugs, and cheap trucks, what have they done with the money saved ?

I second that ,when i first past my test i was struggling reversing truck on some wooden ramps because the bay was higher than the trailer. anyhow two chaps came over helping me get it right they was polish top blokes they was made me think twice about polish people. nice nature d folk. [zb] the english :smiley:

You will probably find that the older drivers will help you, it’s what we ALL done once over as second nature. Where as now you will more likely get some knob filming you on his mobile to put you on you tube:roll:
Last year at Aston brewery there were 2 driver impersonators :unamused: (Brits) watching a Dutch lad trying a blind side off the main road, these d/heads just sat and laughed as he struggled against traffic. I walked past them giving them a filthy look saying ‘‘drivers? ffs’’ and stopped the traffic to help him in, they just walked away sheepishly, never said a word back to me, and sat in their cabs. A right pair of pricks.


I admit when on job and knock, on more than one occasion I’ve left Tescos sitting there.

very professional as ever :unamused:… has it ever occurred to you that the driver is just like you trying to earn a crust? why make his life hard :unamused:

well sed that man :slight_smile: :slight_smile: idrive for the com that gets flack on here for having a jenerus limmiter if some one indecates when i caching up with then let em out they only hold me up for half a mile givs me time to roll a fog and pour a cuppa :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Hopefully this will mean less vehicles on the road shutting 40+ stores :smiley: