Ok where do I start, m lets see, ok lets start with hours worked, anyone who has a job works normal hours well most of the planet works a 40 hour week for a half descent living, truck drivers work 50/% more for less, also it must be the only job in the world where there break is not included in there days work where in the world would you see this (nowhere). Let me explain a bit better a driver can drive 9 hours a day driving but can also do another 6 hours sitting on bays or getting delayed whatever, so he can do a 15 hour day every day may be not driving but he is out working a 15 hour day every day and for that he gets paid buttons, now out of that 15 hours this is only if he gets paid by the hour which most normal people do but not drivers, he gets docked 45 minutes from his 15 hours for taking a break that’s required by law to take, now on top of this he is not allowed to take any other break by his company if he stops he is asked when he gets back why did you stop or gets a phone call, not all do but I would say 80/% do, if you break down the hours worked to the pay, example I came out with 500 this week (wow) you did, tell me how many hours did you do for that, (omg) I only did 65 put another 4 on top of that for the free breaks that the company get for free, so lets say 70 into 500, now that might be good money to some drivers (wow) 500 clear a week (omg) a little over 5 pounds a hour for a 70 hour week and that’s a short week he could be doing 75 hours a week. WHY do we do it, is it like, look at me I drive a big 40 I look great behind the wheel king of the road
Anyway we would be better off packing boxes in Tesco if they could get that type of hours we would earn more money, as it is he lives the life of a traveller tinker or what ever you want to call it, who else in the world lives in a tin can for most of the week ■■■■■■■ on the side of the road or ■■■■■■■ in there own cab in a bottle, god knows where we do a number two. Also not enough sleep taking tablets to keep awake and getting 15 or 20 pounds to sleep in a tin box.
I assume from your rant that you are a driver who drives because you’re too thick to do anything else where as I choose to be a driver.
If you can do anything else then go do it what is the point in being unhappy?
Working for a supermarket isn’t that good I can assure you. They too get deducted breaks, most only get 37hrs a week and unless you work nights the money is worse than many/most driving jobs photos, you would have to work every bank holiday and unless you are a manager you will have to work all or at least part of the weekend. Oh and you will never ever ever get 2 days off together permanently and have random start times all week.
Well fancy that another driver who didn’t know what he was getting into. Complaining about truck drivers doing long hours is like a firefighter complaining he has to fight fires. You clearly don’t like it so why not go and stack shelves like you mention? Really, there is nothing stopping you, you drive a truck through choice, no one is holding a gun to your head? As for ‘most of the planet working 40 hours for a half decent living’ I suggest you open your eyes a little. Unless by planet you mean the west only.
I am driving a long time lots of experence, what i am not is a fire fighter they a are a breed on there own enough said.
What i dont want to be is a 54 year old driver working the guts out of my self for nothing like some people who would do any thing for buttons and also put up with with anthing. like
Well when I go to a distribution centre and they asked me for my keys, the first thing I ask is how long the tip is going to take, if they cant tell me or they say maybe two or three hours, I say no if its in the winter I say ok give me a pass out I am out, the next driver will put up with that not me, you see drivers there for four or five hours ■■■■■■■ thats why the job is so bad now, what part of having a bit of respect for yourself is missing, my god to be walked over once is for ever THATS WHY IT IS SO BAD. WHAT FOR 5 OR 6 POUND A HOUR AND sometimes not getting paid for waiting time.
Well your certainly making some friends on here !!
So you claim to be working your guts out & doing 70hr wks, well I’m sorry if this annoys you & others…but [zb] me, what part of 9hrs driving is hard work?? Maybe an hr of it?? Sat waiting to be unloaded for a couple of hrs…& the hard part of that is what again ■■
Seriously, wake up & look around you when driving & see what other people do for a days work, if you dislike it that much go & stack shelves in Asda for a 12hr shift 4 times a wk…& when you’ve grown the balls to go & do that, come back on here in a month & tell us all how fantastic your job is & how rewarding it is & how lovely it is to see different boxes of cereal each day & how you love pounding the aisles with no sat nav & wish to god you had done this for the last 30yrs
I suggest you also look at how many hrs max you can work in a wk…different rules if you wear flip flops though lol
Got bored reading that halfway through but I think I may have the jest of it, is your next post going to be about stobarts or shelf stackers earning more.
Ok where do I start, m lets see, ok lets start with hours worked, anyone who has a job works normal hours well most of the planet works a 40 hour week for a half descent living, truck drivers work 50/% more for less, also it must be the only job in the world where there break is not included in there days work where in the world would you see this (nowhere). Let me explain a bit better a driver can drive 9 hours a day driving but can also do another 6 hours sitting on bays or getting delayed whatever, so he can do a 15 hour day every day may be not driving but he is out working a 15 hour day every day and for that he gets paid buttons, now out of that 15 hours this is only if he gets paid by the hour which most normal people do but not drivers, he gets docked 45 minutes from his 15 hours for taking a break that’s required by law to take, now on top of this he is not allowed to take any other break by his company if he stops he is asked when he gets back why did you stop or gets a phone call, not all do but I would say 80/% do, if you break down the hours worked to the pay, example I came out with 500 this week (wow) you did, tell me how many hours did you do for that, (omg) I only did 65 put another 4 on top of that for the free breaks that the company get for free, so lets say 70 into 500, now that might be good money to some drivers (wow) 500 clear a week (omg) a little over 5 pounds a hour for a 70 hour week and that’s a short week he could be doing 75 hours a week. WHY do we do it, is it like, look at me I drive a big 40 I look great behind the wheel king of the road
Anyway we would be better off packing boxes in Tesco if they could get that type of hours we would earn more money, as it is he lives the life of a traveller tinker or what ever you want to call it, who else in the world lives in a tin can for most of the week ■■■■■■■ on the side of the road or ■■■■■■■ in there own cab in a bottle, god knows where we do a number two. Also not enough sleep taking tablets to keep awake and getting 15 or 20 pounds to sleep in a tin box.
I assume from your rant that you are a driver who drives because you’re too thick to do anything else where as I choose to be a driver.
If you can do anything else then go do it what is the point in being unhappy?
Working for a supermarket isn’t that good I can assure you. They too get deducted breaks, most only get 37hrs a week and unless you work nights the money is worse than many/most driving jobs photos, you would have to work every bank holiday and unless you are a manager you will have to work all or at least part of the weekend. Oh and you will never ever ever get 2 days off together permanently and have random start times all week.
But hey you might get a discount card…
I do think a lot of what he put is right, the working week now for most is 40 hours or less we can do 80 plus every week and if you add up hours to include nights out that’s maybe 120 hours or £5 per hour to give up your family life. I used to enjoy this job but not anymore and will leave as soon as I find something else.
Supermarket work might not pay more for the week based on total hours but will pay more per hour and yes you will have to work some bank holidays but so do some drivers. Why will you never get 2 days of together some drivers only get 45 hours of now because that’s the law and often start at random times.
Was it the mention of “buttons” that did it, Neil? Anyway, sorry to disappoint but no it isn’t me under an alias. Besides, you wouldn’t catch me doing 75 hours for £500 anyway. No sympathy for people that are prepared to work for buttons rather than get off their arses and better their lot.
so its the op,s first post, what he says is correct you cannot deny that! but welcome to trucknet, where you can be slagged off and called all sorts, the fact is there are numerous posts from long term drivers/members saying the exact same thing but because they are saying it as their 5000th post the other members say nothing…
trucknet is getting boring and like a kiddies playground, you used to get advice, good stories about a drivers day… now all you get is the same old crap, stobbies threads, abuse, i,m the better driver, ect ect,
if i was coming into the transport buisness now and looked at trucknet for advice i would not even bother getting into this industry…
Well fancy that another driver who didn’t know what he was getting into. Complaining about truck drivers doing long hours is like a firefighter complaining he has to fight fires. You clearly don’t like it so why not go and stack shelves like you mention? Really, there is nothing stopping you, you drive a truck through choice, no one is holding a gun to your head? As for ‘most of the planet working 40 hours for a half decent living’ I suggest you open your eyes a little. Unless by planet you mean the west only.
+1 what were you really expecting when you passed your test? A nice big Scania and £1000 every week while working 40 hours
also the office jobs actually worth having do you really think they finish after 40 hours? They get a company phone that can ring at any time even if you’re on holiday. When I’m at home or holiday, work is at the very back of my mind.
I’ll take the £1000 a week but you can keep the Scania I’d rather have a Strallis!
With Rdc s taking the cab keys.Hand in a set that looks like the truck keys with a spare set.Slink off to the un locked cab and chill out.I was at Argos at Basildon and she asked me to lock the cab and bring back the keys and wait in the waiting room.
The policies at places now is to lock the trailer wheels in a machine that traps them.Put a lock on the red air line.Chock the wheels.Hand in keys.What next.Told to wait in the street.
Lorn trakta:
Welcome to the world of the EU’s lgv braindead/brainwashed, they are as happy as pigs in ■■■ convinced they are professional ‘line haul’ truck drivers multiple night outing in a defiling EU ‘shoebox’ sleeper parked on varying stinking wastelands whilst toileting into bottles and bags to appease their ‘masters’ laws, the EU human rights laws guarentee greater dignity to convicts than tachograph regulations do for drivers, it doesn’t take you to be a genious to work that out, but still they flood in to be insulted, insulted still further by working for money that was rubbish over a decade ago on short shift night trunking, they are so well programmed they aim for and rejoice in their ‘real driver’ conditions.
They are a testament to the gullability of ‘drivers’ in general, thinking you can change anything now would require you to be equally gullable, your fellow drivers aren’t worthy of your concern, they are your biggest immiediate problem, employers have always capitalised on the availability of idiots, as will agencies, but who is truely to blame, who is forcing the drivers to submit to conditions that in the US/ ‘free world’ would have drivers shun the whole deal, which group will maintain this dignity degrading status quo?, could it be a group who in exchange for a high spec ‘big ■■■■■’ truck will do two days/mens work for one days pay, a group who accomadate ■■■■■■■■■■■■ employers allowing them to rate ■■■■■ and destroy the decent hauliers, a group whose cheapskate activity is spreading low wages like a cancer throughout the entire transport industry, a group of pariahs who leave their ‘filth’ and detritus as landmarks everywhere indicating to the entire nation that all drivers must therefore be pariahs.
Get yourself a fixed shift job, driving a ‘grotty’ fleet spec vehicle, with known start and finish times, doing ‘grotty’ same old same old work for the same money that the ‘prima donnas’ are away all week for, life is what you live AFTER work not during it, not a message that will penetrate tnuk’s bonehead truckaholic readership, such ‘drivers’ are the reasons there will never be a return to the wages, in real terms, of twenty plus years ago, ‘drivers’ live in a tiny tin tub doing massive hours for crap wages because they live in a tiny tin tub doing massive hours for crap wages because they live in a tiny tin tub doing massive hours for crap wages, it is ‘drivers’ who keep the cycle going, it is them who keep their insulting tiny tin tub ‘sleeper cab’ and conditions alive and well, in the EU transport world drivers have but one enemy, themselves.
Just skimmed through this cack as I’ve heard it all before, but some of you lot on here just kill me, absolutely priceless . If somebody dares to come on here and point out the FACT that the job is crap and could be a lot better he’s a whinger, then surprise surprise we get the shelf stacking scenario/ what did you expect when you started/ you are in the wrong job/ do you think we should get … per wk (fill in the gap with some ridiculous amount)… and so on and ■■■■■■ so forth
Some of us on here have done the job longer than 5minutes and can remember when you got a fair (or even good) rate for a weeks work driving a truck.
What is wrong with making a point…not whinging ffs… about how conditions, and especially pay, have deteriorated over the years. So to some of you on here, sat behind the wheel, wearing your rosey glasses, of your top spec motor, with spots and lit up name boards are happy to accept that as compensation for a crap wage then ok, get on with it, but some of us AREN’T so deal with it. As much as I would like that fantastic wage it aint gonna happen and I aint asking for it, what I am asking for is a LIVING wage with REASONABLE long hours that you admittedly need to do the job, not a ■■■■■■■■ wage where you HAVE to do EXCESS hours to maintain a living, but if some driver’s attitudes of acceptance and subserviance on here are an indication of the majority then God help us!