Ok, who has been ploughing?

M50… :open_mouth: That’s a bad un…

Chrisie… :sunglasses:

Got to agree there - at least I know where most of them are now!

i wonder how a newbie copes if they aint been warned? Hope they carry spare underwear!

Only a handful of months ago this happened to me for the very first time. Now I didn’t need new underwear. If I should change underwear each time something strange happens that I don’t instantly understand I’d need to throw me straps out of the cupboard and replace them with clean underwear !
For a first split second I actually thought that the horses must have moved about a bit back there. Then I remembered I wasn’t going with horses so wondered for another second if someone had been stupid enough to hit my behind. ( no ■■■■■ thoughts please). A few seconds of surprise but it quickly dawned on me what was going on. Most annoying things. Specially when you’ve got a little too much coffee in that mug !


M50… :open_mouth: That’s a bad un…

Chrisie… :sunglasses:

Yep, just wait pouring the coffee till you’re on the M4 or M5 :smiley:

Hey what’s your reg chrissie ? I’ll keep an eye out for you when I’m up that way, so don’t take offence if you see an Owens lorry flash you down … :wink:


the old “corridor” between france and belgium was the worst i`ve seen for ruts… i once saw a bloke with crampons and a stick climbing out of them :open_mouth: … and the bruxelles ring was quite fun too… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I think I remember reading somewhere that the surface is engineer to rut intentionally. If they make it too hard, then it just potholes instead and potholes are worse. 44t hasn’t made that much difference. The ruts just appear a bit quicker, but not by much.