Oh dear ! (@ Neil)



Wheel Nut:
…but a factual book with a bit of Neils abrupt humour will only be of interest to us or people like us :laughing:

I would have thought that as well but I have had messages and emails from quite a lot of normal people who said they enjoyed it, people not connected with the industry at all. Even more surprising, a fair few were of the female persuasion.

To be fair to Neil what did he expect to find in a book about trucking through Europe. It’s like complaining that the Daily Sport has too many ■■■■.

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: At least my book only featured one ■■■. :wink:

You didnt say Rob K was in your book :smiley:

He didn’t mention him as that would make a pair of ■■■■! I’ve got £16.40 sitting in the boot of my car? :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue:

Rob K:
The reason I posted it was really a cheeky nudge and wink at Neil that someone out there won’t be subscribing to his fan club :laughing: . I’m pretty sure Neil got the ‘drift’ of my post even if others didn’t.

I did get it, and was grateful for it because like I said I might never have seen it otherwise. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

I read about Coffees book in an article in the ‘Sunday Telegraph’ years ago.

The jist of the article was how much of a poor show that the plebs can now (thanks to the internet) publish their own stuff.

Imagine my surprise when I was introduced to TNUK and Mr Neil was one of the of the main players…

I’ve started reading truck magazines again recently, why don’t you send your stuff into them?


I read about Coffees book in an article in the ‘Sunday Telegraph’ years ago.

You did? News to me. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

The jist of the article was how much of a poor show that the plebs can now (thanks to the internet) publish their own stuff.

Oh good, I do like to annoy people. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve started reading truck magazines again recently, why don’t you send your stuff into them?

Nah, too much like hard work and they wouldn’t want it anyway.

I’m sorry I can’t do that clever ‘quote’ thing on my phone.

Absolutly true about the ‘Sunday Telegraph’. I remember thinking ‘more fool him’. My opinions on International Driving were fairly jaundiced at the time.
They even quoted you…

After reading T&D for three copies in a row I promise you Coffee, they need your stuff. I’m going to follow Orys and send another diary in. I’m going to call it

“Bloke drives to Flint once a week”.

Cool or what■■?

I’m sorry I can’t do that clever ‘quote’ thing on my phone.

Absolutly true about the ‘Sunday Telegraph’. I remember thinking ‘more fool him’. My opinions on International Driving were fairly jaundiced at the time.
They even quoted you…

I wonder if that was the month when my sales figures shot way up from the monthly norm for no apparent reason? I always wondered why that happened and it might have been that.

After reading T&D for three copies in a row I promise you Coffee, they need your stuff. I’m going to follow Orys and send another diary in. I’m going to call it

“Bloke drives to Flint once a week”.

Cool or what■■?

I don’t read T&D, or any of the other mags, but I’d read about a trip to Flint. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll be up that neck of the woods in the morning.

I’ll see what I can do.

When I wrote my own diary I did it because the joke amongst my friends was

“This would make a good story, apart from the bit where I had to take my card out… to get loaded, keep my place in the queue for the border etc…”

I actually did a trip that was fairly legal, photogenic and not too obvious I wrote it down and sent it in, dead easy.

Let the knockers say what they want Neil, I enjoyed it and look forward to reading book 2 when you release it!

I just spotted this thread and on the back of it ordered the book!
See, no such thing as a bad review :laughing:

I just spotted this thread too, and on the back of it, i had a search on the bay for a pdf copy but it not there so you havent made it to the big time yet coffee :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

ps…maybe you could upload a copy for us :smiley:

I just spotted this thread too, and on the back of it, i had a search on the bay for a pdf copy but it not there so you havent made it to the big time yet coffee :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

ps…maybe you could upload a copy for us :smiley:

I’ll get right on that.

CHEERS :slight_smile:
I promise to seed it for at least 1 month

I read about Coffees book in an article in the ‘Sunday Telegraph’ years ago.

The jist of the article was how much of a poor show that the plebs can now (thanks to the internet) publish their own stuff.


Sounds about right for the likes of the Sunday Telegraph. As far as they’re concerned we should all “Know our Place” and be thankfull for it.