Now im worried

surprised they never put you on ■■■ register for it.

I reckon it will most likely be tea and biscuits with the Traffic Commissioner although if you give a good account of yourself you’ve got a fair chance of getting the LGV licence, PCV might be more of a problem.

Harry Monk:
I reckon it will most likely be tea and biscuits with the Traffic Commissioner although if you give a good account of yourself you’ve got a fair chance of getting the LGV licence, PCV might be more of a problem.

Actually more and more companies are requiring Disclosures from DBS The old CRB check.

Getting a conviction is starting to rule out many a job these days not just those that are included in employment with vulnerable members of our society.

I guess if you have kept your nose clean for a lengthy period it will be more positive.

Just found this from the Head of policy at DVLA. Lists offences for vocational licence holders.

Non-endorsable offences (including criminal convictions of PCV drivers)

Convictions for ■■■■■■ offences, violence, serious theft
PCV drivers Revocation and
indefinite disqualification.
Restoration might be considered depending on probation, medical and social worker

Nothing about HGV listed under ■■■ offences

Really wouldn’t worry it’s clearly something that got out of control. 1 I would of kept it hidden or 2 if you can’t then go back to court with a decent lawyer and get it overturned.

Feel for you, my brother was accused of a disgusting crime, he managed to clear his name. He paid through the nose for a barrister (almost £10,000), the person who accused him was proven to be an habitual lier, all the evidence pointed to her making it all up

He was lucky in the sense that he had a Jury to convince and not just 3 JP’s lookking to fill the courts coffers.

They’d do well to see mine in this cold weather anyway lmfao

i think theres better way to find out than puttin it on tnet buddy :wink: :wink:

Depending on what the actual conviction was, you may well find, that as from next week, you will no longer need to disclose it, as it would be spent. Check here to see.

Finally managed to get through to the traffic commissioners office. They said it only affe ts my pcv and I would have to go see tbe man. Told them to take it as I only needed my hgv. So that’s it getting my licence back…thanks for all the advice etc. Much appreciated

Harry Monk:
I reckon it will most likely be tea and biscuits with the Traffic Commissioner although if you give a good account of yourself you’ve got a fair chance of getting the LGV licence, PCV might be more of a problem.

I agree with this.

That doesn’t mean you’ll get a job driving either though. But more for PCV, would you want a convicted ■■■ offender driving your family around?

I know you say you’re innocent, and I believe you 100% on the story you’ve told, but you’ve still been convicted, and that’s how it appears.

I totally agree with you mate. I’d be the first to kick off if it happened to mine. I also dont make a habit of posting personal info on forums but dvla contradicted themselves and nobody would answer the phone in the tc office so was just after some advice.

Finally managed to get through to the traffic commissioners office. They said it only affe ts my pcv and I would have to go see tbe man. Told them to take it as I only needed my hgv. So that’s it getting my licence back…thanks for all the advice etc. Much appreciated

Ahh good show, wasn’t taking the ■■■■ (no pun intended) just slanting a bit of humour in to it, if you don’t laugh, you cry. You almost sound as unlucky as me!

Now you’ve said it, it is obvious it was the PCV rather than the HGV that was holding it up.

I don’t blame you for not appealing, more money, more grief & the magistrates just look at you like you’re something they’ve just trodden in the moment you walk through the door anyway.

Two women against a nasty truck driver with his lad out? You didn’t stand a chance from the get go dude.