Not wearing seatbelt legal advice

Was pulled into strensham, services. Given ticket told would hear something in 28days

nothing you can do about it as they gave you the ticket there an then, forget the 28days they have 6 months

Jesus wept, we have some fantastic armchair lawyers on here don’t we… some of you guys are wasted talents as drivers… :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

The police have 6 months from the date of offence to lay the information before the courts, if you get beyond 6 months, you are off scot free. It is worth noting that the court has to serve a summons in “A reasonable amount of time” and it can be another month or 2 before this arrives due to backlogs at the court.

I am not sure if Seatbelt offences are the same as speeding, but if it is, the driver or keeper of the vehicle need to be made aware that the police intend to prosecute (NIP). As you were pulled over at the time and told you will be reported for the consideration of prosecution, this has been done and they have 6 months from the date of offence.

You will have been offered a Fine (£100) or a “Bribe/Online Course (£36 last time I heard)” to bring an end to the matter, if you reject these then you will be speaking to a magistrate about it in the local court to where the offence happened (Nearest to Strensham).

The bribe/course does not have to be offered and is not offered by all forces. You have no automatic right to any course.

I call them “Bribes” because the police force gets a “Kickback” from the SALE of all Speed Awareness Courses/Seatbelt Courses/Red Light Courses. etc… A payment to the police as an alternative to a prosecution is, in my eyes, a BRIBE!

As Traffic Rat stated, you will have been given a TOR (Traffic Offence Report) and will have been told you were going to be reported.

You must be reported within 6 months of the evidence being fully available, and not necessarily from the date of the offence. So for example it takes your boss 27 days to id you as the driver who committed an offence, that’s when the clock starts.

Would you mind please quoting a source for this bullshine please?

Just write back and say they are out time on this one. They will check it themselves and if theyre in the right theyll write back and say youd better pay up fella. If they see its a balls up on their part.... youre off with it!
Thats what I`d do. Cheapest and best way forward.
As for the goody two shoes on here…I hope sincerely that you get off with it and if you do let us know. Stuff em. Nowt better to do.

Follow this “Advice” if you want to end up with a summons :unamused:

I’d fight it all the way, if they pulled you then they had all the details they needed there and then so no reason for it to take 2 months to send the summons, you definitely need to read up on it further but I reckon they’re out of time.


I was driving yesterday ,when making the return journey the belt would not click into place.I fannied about with it but cant get it working,is that it off the road until its fixed?

I was driving yesterday ,when making the return journey the belt would not click into place.I fannied about with it but cant get it working,is that it off the road until its fixed?

Purely and simply,

Jesus wept, we have some fantastic armchair lawyers on here don’t we… some of you guys are wasted talents as drivers… :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

The police have 6 months from the date of offence to lay the information before the courts, if you get beyond 6 months, you are off scot free. It is worth noting that the court has to serve a summons in “A reasonable amount of time” and it can be another month or 2 before this arrives due to backlogs at the court.

I am not sure if Seatbelt offences are the same as speeding, but if it is, the driver or keeper of the vehicle need to be made aware that the police intend to prosecute (NIP). As you were pulled over at the time and told you will be reported for the consideration of prosecution, this has been done and they have 6 months from the date of offence.

You will have been offered a Fine (£100) or a “Bribe/Online Course (£36 last time I heard)” to bring an end to the matter, if you reject these then you will be speaking to a magistrate about it in the local court to where the offence happened (Nearest to Strensham).

The bribe/course does not have to be offered and is not offered by all forces. You have no automatic right to any course.

I call them “Bribes” because the police force gets a “Kickback” from the SALE of all Speed Awareness Courses/Seatbelt Courses/Red Light Courses. etc… A payment to the police as an alternative to a prosecution is, in my eyes, a BRIBE!

As Traffic Rat stated, you will have been given a TOR (Traffic Offence Report) and will have been told you were going to be reported.

You must be reported within 6 months of the evidence being fully available, and not necessarily from the date of the offence. So for example it takes your boss 27 days to id you as the driver who committed an offence, that’s when the clock starts.

Would you mind please quoting a source for this bullshine please?

Just write back and say they are out time on this one. They will check it themselves and if theyre in the right theyll write back and say youd better pay up fella. If they see its a balls up on their part.... youre off with it!
Thats what I`d do. Cheapest and best way forward.
As for the goody two shoes on here…I hope sincerely that you get off with it and if you do let us know. Stuff em. Nowt better to do.

Follow this “Advice” if you want to end up with a summons :unamused:

I’d fight it all the way, if they pulled you then they had all the details they needed there and then so no reason for it to take 2 months to send the summons, you definitely need to read up on it further but I reckon they’re out of time.


To the OP.
If you want an easy time of it, listen to Trubster, pay £100.
If you want a ball ache and pay around 4-500 quid when you contest and lose, follow the rest of the advice above.
Simples. :laughing:

Tarmac duck:
That is a great reply cheekymonkey well done.

Why is it a great reply? Have you ever seen someone that has gone through a windscreen and permanantly disfigured themselves for life through their own stupidity. You know the ones that think they are so good nothing will ever happen to them.
Or the moron in the backseat that thinks it’s ok not to wear one and then fatally injures the person sitting in front of them.
Do you know the law is there to help people.


Tarmac duck:
That is a great reply cheekymonkey well done.

Why is it a great reply? Have you ever seen someone that has gone through a windscreen and permanantly disfigured themselves for life through their own stupidity. You know the ones that think they are so good nothing will ever happen to them.
Or the moron in the backseat that thinks it’s ok not to wear one and then fatally injures the person sitting in front of them.
Do you know the law is there to help people.

Il agree with you on this one.
I said it before on here. My mrs had a head-on collision with a twonk who tried to turn right in front of her! She was doing 50 mph.
She was fairly battered for a while but if she hadn’t of been wearing a seat belt, she’d have been dead- end of!
Why the ■■■■ some don’t wear them still is beyond me.


You must be reported within 6 months of the evidence being fully available, and not necessarily from the date of the offence. So for example it takes your boss 27 days to id you as the driver who committed an offence, that’s when the clock starts.

Would you mind please quoting a source for this bullshine please?

The Magistrates Act states the time limits for offences to be reported, and more importantly the exceptions to the usual 6 months limit. The link below gives a layman’s explanation.

Point already covered by numerous posts.

[Note to self: Read to the end of the thread before hitting “Reply”]

Point already covered by numerous posts.

[Note to self: Read to the end of the thread before hitting “Reply”]

I absolutely agree the original OP’s query has been fully covered. But as Trubster made a request for a reference to my post, I think it would be rude not to reply. Regardless of whether the reference is accepted or not.


Point already covered by numerous posts.

[Note to self: Read to the end of the thread before hitting “Reply”]

I absolutely agree the original OP’s query has been fully covered. But as Trubster made a request for a reference to my post, I think it would be rude not to reply. Regardless of whether the reference is accepted or not.

I wasn’t aiming my comment at you, mate. I posted a reply of my own, then realised that the point I was making had already been covered in detail. Unfortunately, unlike FaceBook for example, you cannot withdraw or delete a post, only edit it. So that’s what I did. The target of my comment was in fact me…

I did the on-line course, 36 notes.

Nil points.

TBH I always belt up now every time and don’t think, I’m stopping again in 5 mins.

I did the on-line course, 36 notes.

Nil points.

TBH I always belt up now every time and don’t think, I’m stopping again in 5 mins.

No points/endorsement for seatbelt offences anyway.



Point already covered by numerous posts.

[Note to self: Read to the end of the thread before hitting “Reply”]

I absolutely agree the original OP’s query has been fully covered. But as Trubster made a request for a reference to my post, I think it would be rude not to reply. Regardless of whether the reference is accepted or not.

I wasn’t aiming my comment at you, mate. I posted a reply of my own, then realised that the point I was making had already been covered in detail. Unfortunately, unlike FaceBook for example, you cannot withdraw or delete a post, only edit it. So that’s what I did. The target of my comment was in fact me…

Sorry if I misinterpreted your post, please accept my apologises.