Hiya …hhmmmm. i think the trucks are going quite slow making the bike seem faster.
secondly the camera may be playing tricks making the gap seem tighter…anyway he,s a nut.
if you look very close you can see the speedo at 73 kph as the nut come,s out of a tunnel.
73kph is less than 50 mph and that was through a clear tunnel…i must say who ever set up the bike
did a good job. the nut is short shifting the gears and until the last bit he dosn’t hold the bike in one
gear for long that questions how fast he’s not going…i bet if he got on a circuit he’d struggle to even
keep up with the last rider, its like the wannabies on dirt bikes in fields the never win a black and
white flag…i bet he s…t a few of the truck drivers up, unless they have cb radio,s then they would
have know he was catching them up…infact he may be a truck driver that,s why he could read how
the trucks was been driven. i wounder if he,ll make another film before he catches up with something
very solid.