Nihilism - on a Thursday

Thing that makes me laugh is that UK politics is not the university boat race. There’s more than Tory and labour out there. I vote ukip. Simply because I don’t belive in paying the fat cats in brussels to tie a noose around our necks. If we pulled out, the membership fee saved alone would go a long way to clearing the national debt. We could hammer migrant workers with work permits, tax foreign trucks and god knows what else. And before anyone comes out with the rubbish about trading, we don’t sell jack to the eu . We do sell to China and India. Last time I looked they weren’t in the eu. Not being in won’t stop us buying. Business is business. The Germans will still sell us bmws and mercs, the danes will still sell carlsberg. Things don’t look too bad in switzerland do they?

Well said that man

Credit card rates will still go up (28%!!!)

What card is that? Mine are on around 14.9%

Fuel will continue to go up

As a percentage of my income its the same as it was 20 years ago.

I have a car that does twice the MPG than the one I had in 2000. To go to Blackpool for a day out in 2000 cost me £32, it costs me £32 now.

have a car that does twice the MPG than the one I had in 2000. To go to Blackpool for a day out in 2000 cost me £32, it costs me £32 now.

nearly cost me that to park there for a day :frowning: !