New Scanias for Cemex contract

Plenty of vacancies apparently!

The job isn’t that bad, done a bit of it using the new kit. Was quite impressed with it…but then compared to the trailer I normally use…an auto sheet and in cab weigher is the height of luxury!

Do Rugby cement works still quarry the limestone on site or is it exhausted? If it’s imported that’s a hell of a lot of stone to ship in.

They pump the limestone as chalk slurry along a 57 mile underground pipeline from Dunstable, apparently.

The limestone is transported by road from South Witham quarry nr Grantham. 300 ton a day.

Chalk is fed through the pipeline as slurry…not limestone.

Chalk is a limestone…

In terms of overall production 300 tonnes a day isn’t much…perhaps they need a small amount of ‘solid’ limestone in the mix?

Chalk is a limestone…

In terms of overall production 300 tonnes a day isn’t much…perhaps they need a small amount of ‘solid’ limestone in the mix?

They only add limestone to certain blends of cement depending on it’s intended application.

I suppose it would be alright until I got something more concrete!

I suppose it would be alright until I got something more concrete!

Your talent is wasted! lol