New posts. Why are there so few new posts on here


I’ve been posting online for over 36 years by this point.

Congratulations on posting online before Tim Berners-Lee invented the www, quite an achievement.

Pre-1991, it was possible to use the internet, but it wasn’t particularly user-friendly and all you would have had to talk to would have been other IT geeks.

“Before the internet” there were seperate networks, often available on dial-up to those users that would have work accounts to begin with:

“JANET” (Joint Academic Network) for Universities and Colleges Accessible on Campus Terminals i.e. Not available to Non-Academics.

“BT Gold” for Cable/BT telecom workers (I worked installing VDUs and laying cables in 1986 during the “Big Bang”) Not available to non-telecom employees, and was quite expensive per minute if I recall… I had an account, but I rarely used it, because of the per-minute cost…

“Prestel” the network for Travel Agents Available on Dial-Up - Local call charges apply, and no per-minute charge after 6pm.

“Simpatico” a kind of Message Board for lonely hearts, that had a big following among the Gay community - part of Prestel
Prestel was in “Viewdata” format - very similar to Ceefax/Oracle on the telly for those old enough to remember that.
“Micronet 800” a Computer Enthusiast’s network - Part of Prestel


Multi-user text games like MUD, Mirrorworld, and Shades which were available on dial-up (National Phone Call charges per minute apply)

You had to hang up your phone, and dial another network if you wanted to leave messages on multiple boards.
I also ran my own “Bulletin Board” called the Chopping Block around 1986 which drove my parents crazy as it ■■■■■■■ the phone line with people dialling in and leaving messages all day long…

Most of the messages I posted though - were on the Micronet 800 network boards, and the game “Shades” when it transferred from an East Grinstead dial-up to being part of Micronet 800 - also around 1986.

I used the family BBC Micro to access these networks from home in my 20’s.

BBC micro.jpg

Oh what bliss - no IQs under 100 online back then! :smiling_imp:

All the invention of the Internet did - was to link such networks in a way you could “Cross from one to another” without having to hang up, and dial a different number.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol acted as the Sinews and Nerve Endings between what we now think of as “Domains”.

My Email address back then was 919995272 and just known as “Prestel Mailbox” - accessible free, but I remember there being a limit of around 255 characters per message (just under one ceefax-size page worth…)

I was on there from around 1986 to 1991, and then I disappeared offline for a few years like Doctor Who, by this point having got my HGV licence, with no time for fooling around on home computers due to “doing docket all the time” at Royal Mail.

Booked a Holiday with a complete stranger in 1988, saw my Brother get married to someone he met online in 1989, got to date a Maths Teacher around about the same time, and spent a lot of time pub-crawling in London on the various “meets” that were set up between enthusiasts from the different networks…

Micronet brought people with different kinds of Home Micro together, such as “Spectrum”, “Commodore”, and Amstrad computers - where “Online” all text from any computer is created equal…

Before these networks existed, you had to physically connect two computers together with a long DIN cable - and even then - they’d only transmit “Text” between themselves, not “game metadata” so you couldn’t play “online games” like we think of these days.

I did a computer course in 1985 which is also where I learned how to type fast.

Never needed an “Iphone” as if I can’t do it on my desktop PC at home - it ain’t work looking at on my phone…
I have also uninstalled the Modem from my “Burner Phone” - so I can never run up a “per data” bill on a device I only need for actually making phone calls, - nothing else.

An insight into the life,.times and mind of Winseer. :neutral_face:
What you call a ‘conversational cul de sac’. :smiley:
Okayyyy… :smiley:

Back on thread :smiley:
Things seem fairly normal now, but still.a fairly low post count.
Reason… I think a high percentage of members have just got ■■■■■■ off,.said ‘‘■■■■ this’’ and rode off into the sunset never to be seen again.

An insight into the life,.times and mind of Winseer. :neutral_face:
What you call a ‘conversational cul de sac’. :smiley:
Okayyyy… :smiley:

Back on thread :smiley:
Things seem fairly normal now, but still.a fairly low post count.
Reason… I think a high percentage of members have just got ■■■■■■ off,.said ‘’[zb] this’’ and rode off into the sunset never to be seen again.

If they’re in a Renault or Daf, they’ll be back with a question. :wink:

I also ran my own “Bulletin Board” called the Chopping Block around 1986 which drove my parents crazy as it ■■■■■■■ the phone line with people dialling in and leaving messages all day long…

Did that leave you in the role of moderator, having to sort through loads of irrelevant waffle from randoms dialling in to sound off about anything they fancied…


I also ran my own “Bulletin Board” called the Chopping Block around 1986 which drove my parents crazy as it ■■■■■■■ the phone line with people dialling in and leaving messages all day long…

Did that leave you in the role of moderator, having to sort through loads of irrelevant waffle from randoms dialling in to sound off about anything they fancied…

Probably where he did his training for Trucknet :cry:

You could always check out Sploom and Robroy’s rambling 55 pager in Bully’s… or perhaps not…

It would be a good way to fall asleep instead of counting sheep!

The slowness of the current TN site has been looked into by those who know what they’re doing, they found several genuine reasons for it.

Nah I’m not accepting that.

That MI5 and MI6 are closely monitoring a lorry drivers forum and throttling the bandwidth to further far left ideologies is much more interesting so lets stick with that

Beau Nydel:


I also ran my own “Bulletin Board” called the Chopping Block around 1986 which drove my parents crazy as it ■■■■■■■ the phone line with people dialling in and leaving messages all day long…

Did that leave you in the role of moderator, having to sort through loads of irrelevant waffle from randoms dialling in to sound off about anything they fancied…

Probably where he did his training for Trucknet :cry:

Most of the messages back then were hints and tips for “how to fix some computer peripheral” or “write a get-around program” etc.
“Computer Enthusiasts” stuff rather than general chit-chat.


The slowness of the current TN site has been looked into by those who know what they’re doing, they found several genuine reasons for it.

Nah I’m not accepting that.

That MI5 and MI6 are closely monitoring a lorry drivers forum and throttling the bandwidth to further far left ideologies is much more interesting so lets stick with that

“Bandwidth Throttling” has many causes, and many motives for being inflicted upon a website as well, same as “DNS attack”.
The main difference is that “DNS” is done as a “Hack”, whereas “Bandwidth Throttling” is done by the gateway/ISP

I quit Virgin Media because of their rampant bandwidth throttling for example, that would log me out in the middle of some live online game I might be playing…
When I accused them of doing it, they offered me £20 a month off my bill if I didn’t quit them!
Just over a year later, it got beyond a joke when I received a letter in the snail mail threatening me with legal action for “unauthorized downloads”. from some legal outfit in America - a country I’ve yet to visit…
I took VM to task at “How did they get my home address, other than YOU Data Protection Act CRIMINALS giving it to them!?”

Now I have a minor ISP that “leaves me be” rather than f—s me about day and night - and for less per month subscription to boot!

VM are in partnership with RICC, which means they cannot be trusted to maintain user privacy.
FB routinely spy on your private posts between you and “friends”, and even your own posts on your own supposedly “Private Wall”.
Got my account busted because of such posts I’d made, thinking they were not being snooped, but as soon as I posted, the algorhythm logged me out, and informed my my account has been disabled forever, no appeas, no damages, in complete violation of my right to private communication.
Nope, I wasn’t telling someone how to “make a bomb”, or “take out a contract on someone” or “Buy some bootleg booze” etc etc.
It was merely a piece on the subject of “Weaponized Power Cuts” if our attempts to complete Brexit seriously got nasty at the other end…


Cut and paste methinks…



I’ve been posting online for over 36 years by this point.

Congratulations on posting online before Tim Berners-Lee invented the www, quite an achievement.

Pre-1991, it was possible to use the internet, but it wasn’t particularly user-friendly and all you would have had to talk to would have been other IT geeks.

“Before the internet” there were seperate networks, often available on dial-up to those users that would have work accounts to begin with:

“JANET” (Joint Academic Network) for Universities and Colleges Accessible on Campus Terminals i.e. Not available to Non-Academics.

“BT Gold” for Cable/BT telecom workers (I worked installing VDUs and laying cables in 1986 during the “Big Bang”) Not available to non-telecom employees, and was quite expensive per minute if I recall… I had an account, but I rarely used it, because of the per-minute cost…

“Prestel” the network for Travel Agents Available on Dial-Up - Local call charges apply, and no per-minute charge after 6pm.

“Simpatico” a kind of Message Board for lonely hearts, that had a big following among the Gay community - part of Prestel
Prestel was in “Viewdata” format - very similar to Ceefax/Oracle on the telly for those old enough to remember that.
“Micronet 800” a Computer Enthusiast’s network - Part of Prestel

Multi-user text games like MUD, Mirrorworld, and Shades which were available on dial-up (National Phone Call charges per minute apply)

You had to hang up your phone, and dial another network if you wanted to leave messages on multiple boards.
I also ran my own “Bulletin Board” called the Chopping Block around 1986 which drove my parents crazy as it ■■■■■■■ the phone line with people dialling in and leaving messages all day long…

Most of the messages I posted though - were on the Micronet 800 network boards, and the game “Shades” when it transferred from an East Grinstead dial-up to being part of Micronet 800 - also around 1986.

I used the family BBC Micro to access these networks from home in my 20’s.

Oh what bliss - no IQs under 100 online back then! :smiling_imp:

All the invention of the Internet did - was to link such networks in a way you could “Cross from one to another” without having to hang up, and dial a different number.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol acted as the Sinews and Nerve Endings between what we now think of as “Domains”.

My Email address back then was 919995272 and just known as “Prestel Mailbox” - accessible free, but I remember there being a limit of around 255 characters per message (just under one ceefax-size page worth…)

I was on there from around 1986 to 1991, and then I disappeared offline for a few years like Doctor Who, by this point having got my HGV licence, with no time for fooling around on home computers due to “doing docket all the time” at Royal Mail.

Booked a Holiday with a complete stranger in 1988, saw my Brother get married to someone he met online in 1989, got to date a Maths Teacher around about the same time, and spent a lot of time pub-crawling in London on the various “meets” that were set up between enthusiasts from the different networks…

Micronet brought people with different kinds of Home Micro together, such as “Spectrum”, “Commodore”, and Amstrad computers - where “Online” all text from any computer is created equal…

Before these networks existed, you had to physically connect two computers together with a long DIN cable - and even then - they’d only transmit “Text” between themselves, not “game metadata” so you couldn’t play “online games” like we think of these days.

I did a computer course in 1985 which is also where I learned how to type fast.

Never needed an “Iphone” as if I can’t do it on my desktop PC at home - it ain’t work looking at on my phone…
I have also uninstalled the Modem from my “Burner Phone” - so I can never run up a “per data” bill on a device I only need for actually making phone calls, - nothing else.

FFS Winseer,
Go and see your GP and ask about stronger tablets!!!

Sent from my SM-A125F using Tapatalk

Oh God Nooooo. :open_mouth:
The stuff he is on already evidently, is industrial strength sh. :laughing:

I used the family BBC Micro to access these networks from home in my 20’s.

We also had a BBC Micro, my mother thinking it would be quite educational, which I suppose it may have been, but got used mostly for Chuckie Egg.

You can play it here if anyone is interested:
Chuckie Egg

I have also uninstalled the Modem from my “Burner Phone” - so I can never run up a “per data” bill on a device I only need for actually making phone calls, - nothing else.

Or as is more commonly known, turned off data


I have also uninstalled the Modem from my “Burner Phone” - so I can never run up a “per data” bill on a device I only need for actually making phone calls, - nothing else.

Or as is more commonly known, turned off data

I don’t know if such a straightoward approach would be sufficient to resist the dark forces of the deep state, or the illuminati etc from keeping you subservient via your old nokia.


I used the family BBC Micro to access these networks from home in my 20’s.

We also had a BBC Micro, my mother thinking it would be quite educational, which I suppose it may have been, but got used mostly for Chuckie Egg.
You can play it here if anyone is interested:
Chuckie Egg

Ahh yes. Chuckie Egg. First played this on the Acorn Electron around 1985 if memory serves…

At the higher levels - that bird comes flickering out of the cage, and starts dive-bombing you running around the platforms… (Death upon contact)

I had the hacked version of Frak!

- Contains swear words that Kids need to hide from adults that might catch them playing this…



I have also uninstalled the Modem from my “Burner Phone” - so I can never run up a “per data” bill on a device I only need for actually making phone calls, - nothing else.

Or as is more commonly known, turned off data

I don’t know if such a straightoward approach would be sufficient to resist the dark forces of the deep state, or the illuminati etc from keeping you subservient via your old nokia.

Don’t Nok the Nokia - that battery - lasts freakin’ forever!

Well, back on thread. I hope I’m not jinxing it, but it’s been OK for three days now.



The slowness of the current TN site has been looked into by those who know what they’re doing, they found several genuine reasons for it.

Nah I’m not accepting that.

That MI5 and MI6 are closely monitoring a lorry drivers forum and throttling the bandwidth to further far left ideologies is much more interesting so lets stick with that

“Bandwidth Throttling” has many causes, and many motives for being inflicted upon a website as well, same as “DNS attack”.
The main difference is that “DNS” is done as a “Hack”, whereas “Bandwidth Throttling” is done by the gateway/ISP

I quit Virgin Media because of their rampant bandwidth throttling for example, that would log me out in the middle of some live online game I might be playing…
When I accused them of doing it, they offered me £20 a month off my bill if I didn’t quit them!
Just over a year later, it got beyond a joke when I received a letter in the snail mail threatening me with legal action for “unauthorized downloads”. from some legal outfit in America - a country I’ve yet to visit…
I took VM to task at “How did they get my home address, other than YOU Data Protection Act CRIMINALS giving it to them!?”

Now I have a minor ISP that “leaves me be” rather than f—s me about day and night - and for less per month subscription to boot!

VM are in partnership with RICC, which means they cannot be trusted to maintain user privacy.
FB routinely spy on your private posts between you and “friends”, and even your own posts on your own supposedly “Private Wall”.
Got my account busted because of such posts I’d made, thinking they were not being snooped, but as soon as I posted, the algorhythm logged me out, and informed my my account has been disabled forever, no appeas, no damages, in complete violation of my right to private communication.
Nope, I wasn’t telling someone how to “make a bomb”, or “take out a contract on someone” or “Buy some bootleg booze” etc etc.
It was merely a piece on the subject of “Weaponized Power Cuts” if our attempts to complete Brexit seriously got nasty at the other end…


Cut and paste methinks…

Im not reading all that but I’m happy for you or sorry it happened

Four days now… wait for it.

No slowdown for a full week by this point I post this…

…Not even with me on making several posts…

Might I suggest the slowdown is hereby OVER?