A mate of mine got a ticket for exactly that offence a few years ago in Orleans, France.
Driving down Les Autoroute, he gets overtaken by Nobby Dangler who was doing about 3kmh more than my mate so it didn’t take him that long to overtake. Because the Frenchman had it lit, my mate didn’t knock his cruise off as the French truck returned to lane 1( he knew it wouldn’t take that long for him to disappear into the distance)
Pulled over by the Gendarmarie( into the Svcs) & fined 600FF for driving too close!!
He was well p*ssed off, tried arguing but was a waste of time.
Will not make much difference after a while, it’s like the headlamps on when raining law that came into force in the UK in the mid 80’s, my 30 year old son had no idea any such law existed and after a few months of cops going mad issuing tickets it will die down, t’s law in lots of states here now but I have never heard of anyone actually being ticketed for hogging the middle lane, they are just ignorant to it and the police don’t car.
Pat Hasler:
Will not make much difference after a while, it’s like the headlamps on when raining law that came into force in the UK in the mid 80’s, my 30 year old son had no idea any such law existed and after a few months of cops going mad issuing tickets it will die down, t’s law in lots of states here now but I have never heard of anyone actually being ticketed for hogging the middle lane, they are just ignorant to it and the police don’t car.
Dont get me started on the standard of American driving!
Pat Hasler:
Will not make much difference after a while, it’s like the headlamps on when raining law that came into force in the UK in the mid 80’s, my 30 year old son had no idea any such law existed and after a few months of cops going mad issuing tickets it will die down, t’s law in lots of states here now but I have never heard of anyone actually being ticketed for hogging the middle lane, they are just ignorant to it and the police don’t car.Dont get me started on the standard of American driving!
So don’t!!! This is a thread about new British Laws
You can get a better idea of how close that actually is by looking at the white lines, a metre…maybe 2 metres at 52,53,53,54,55,56 mph with a combination of about 70 ton between them. Beggars belief!
Please do not assume that the lorry had been flashed in by Johnny Suicide as you put it. My experience these days is the overtaking lorry 80% of the time does not wait to be flashed in but trys to take your mirrors with them as they pull in before you have a chance to flash and then guess who is guilty of tailgating? Me, the overtaken lorry.
No assumption mate, the w&d slipped straight into lane 1 and indicated thanks, he was flashed. Johnny Suicide actually stayed right where the photo has him, no attempt to increase the distance. Craziness in my eyes, 10 foot away from a trailer doing 50+
Pat Hasler:
it’s like the headlamps on when raining law that came into force in the UK in the mid 80’s,
There is no such law.
like i said on another forum how can they say what distance is tailgating as some coppers may say 10ft others 40ft
like i said on another forum how can they say what distance is tailgating as some coppers may say 10ft others 40ft
Quite easily chris.
Tailgating is blatantly obvious while traveling too close may not be quite so obvious but if they really needed to they could use the 4 second rule as a guide could they not?
In reality how many keep a safe distance these days when in heavy traffic? VERY FEW i SUSPECT.
Saw a silver BMW in my os mirror with the antenna on its ns, and watched it go by, an unmarked police car.Ok no problems with that, but it then creeps up behind a lorry within the 2 second rules for ten minutes, and they are ment to lead by example
i was behind a police x5 today going down the m57 in lane 2 the whole way down, with not much overtaking going on must have overtaken all of 6 cars and trucks. really wish we could ticket the police too
The police get tickets too! If we set off a gatso and we’re not responding to a grade 1 call then we get a ticket! Not to mention the mother of all bollocking. Don’t think for a minute that we get to drive about and flout the highway code as we are accountable for our actions just the same as everybody else.
The police get tickets too! If we set off a gatso and we’re not responding to a grade 1 call then we get a ticket! Not to mention the mother of all bollocking. Don’t think for a minute that we get to drive about and flout the highway code as we are accountable for our actions just the same as everybody else.
you need to tell your mates then, coz i seen a police car last week nearly take out a people carrier. he was approaching a busy roundabout on the wrong side of the road then went the wrong way round the roundabout luckily the guy in the people carrier was on the ball and stopped with inches to spare
the police round here are a law to themselves!