The new Asda at Milnrow uses them wheel clamps while you’re tipping, and to be fair to them they let you keep your keys and sit in your vehicle whilst tipping.
No doubt that’ll change once some determined Herbert manages to rip himself out!
The new Asda at Milnrow uses them wheel clamps while you’re tipping, and to be fair to them they let you keep your keys and sit in your vehicle whilst tipping.
No doubt that’ll change once some determined Herbert manages to rip himself out!
You guys in the UK really do put up with some crap. Here in France when I arrive at my regular pickup sites I just stop, open my doors and reverse onto the quay that I always use. Then I go in, say hello to the reception staff (quick chat sometimes) then I go through to the bay and load up myself. On the way out I sign the load off, back to my lorry and drive off after shutting the doors. Simples
You guys in the UK really do put up with some crap. Here in France when I arrive at my regular pickup sites I just stop, open my doors and reverse onto the quay that I always use. Then I go in, say hello to the reception staff (quick chat sometimes) then I go through to the bay and load up myself. On the way out I sign the load off, back to my lorry and drive off after shutting the doors. Simples
Pffft ! That’s far too sensible,it’ll never catch on here - Oh hang on
You guys in the UK really do put up with some crap. Here in France when I arrive at my regular pickup sites I just stop, open my doors and reverse onto the quay that I always use. Then I go in, say hello to the reception staff (quick chat sometimes) then I go through to the bay and load up myself. On the way out I sign the load off, back to my lorry and drive off after shutting the doors. Simples
Ah, fond memories of doing things sensibly… If you don’t mind ne asking, how are things in France at the moment? Are there jobs to be had and decent money? If I don’t get out of the UK soon I will go crazy, would love to live in France but I would also live in Belgium.
went to united buscuits at bardon…back trailer onto bay(bays have the wheel locks that come up in front of the wheel)…drop trailer…(at first i thought it was a trailer swap)park over the yard and LOCK unit…then hand keys into office then sit in the canteen(which has big windows to the office so they can keep an eye on you)■■?You should have got up and started licking the window facing the office till they’d finished. I guarantee the window would not be there next time
If you don’t mind me asking, how are things in France at the moment? Are there jobs to be had and decent money?
There are jobs around at the mo, though it really depends what you want. Quite often you may start on a short contract that leads to a unlimited contract. As for money most jobs offered are at or just above minimum wage currently 9€43 (about £7.85 ph).
its funny , as once at a said hovis depot , but nottingham , i did as they asked , as the op, then back to lorry , got chair out and started to sunbathe at the side of lorry , on a grass area for some jobsworth wonder over to inform me its was against site rules as i wasnt wearing trousers , lol due to contamination of body hair , lol !!!
Walking out of work this afternoon, saw one of our lads that was just back from picking up a load at Hovis Wigan.To get loaded there, you have to back onto a rather tight bay, drop your trailer, put a air line lock on, then park opposite whilst they load it.
This afternoon, he had to be supervised by the site shunter while he backed onto the bay, locked trailer off and parked up, then they asked for his keys…
When he asked why, “it’s site rules”…
Well he wouldnt want to brown bread would he
I was delivering at a plastics factory a few months back when I was told I was not to wear my orange hi vis as I wasn’t in a railway yard I was in a plastics yard wtf! I laughed and he didnt he was deadly serious I had to rummage through the cab for my yellow one I was laughing about that to myself for the rest off the day what is the world coming too.
I was delivering at a plastics factory a few months back when I was told I was not to wear my orange hi vis as I wasn’t in a railway yard I was in a plastics yard wtf! I laughed and he didnt he was deadly serious I had to rummage through the cab for my yellow one I was laughing about that to myself for the rest off the day what is the world coming too.
That is brilliant!