Our bosses don’t like to be seen as the liars that they often are so I think it’s unlikely that he will tell you your safe if in fact he is looking at removing you.
OMG! Do you still believe in the tooth fairy too?
Our bosses don’t like to be seen as the liars that they often are so I think it’s unlikely that he will tell you your safe if in fact he is looking at removing you.
OMG! Do you still believe in the tooth fairy too?
This forum is so funny. If he was to drive a truck to Bulgaria to be reregistered he’d be ripped to shreds, but he’s worried about losing his job to a foreigner and loads of you have a go at him! I think he has a point personally, Id be worried too. But who cares eh, as long as he doesn’t take a truck to Bulgaria…
Well said Switch
yeah maybe its to do with the rates in the uk, maybe its to do with the connection between the uk company and the belgium one, but whatever it is, maybe the uk hauliers should get off their arses and start working for a decent rate for the job, instead of driving rates down by employing foreigners
on a lower rate. I could help to lower the rates myself by following up companies who are struggling, and offer to re-register their trucks in another country, but employing uk drivers to do the job
Bugger, you’re the certified and qualified trainer there with authority to sign off trainees, thats put a completely different slant on things.
Short of getting into the nitty gritty of the qualifications these foreign lads have, and finding they don’t come up to scratch, i can’t see as you have much of a leg to stand on re at least attempting to train them, as you don’t have access to union help on this, as you said you’ll have to seek other professional advice re the difference in terms and conditions between yourselves and foreigners being employed to do the same work…this is exactly why we need good reliable unions with carefully chosen stewards, they are needed by working people now more than ever.
In practice its possible they might be untrainable, not every person is suitable for every job, and its your say so whether they come up to the mark.
However i wouldn’t be holding my breath on that, my experience of Romanian drivers is that they are often bloody good drivers who tend to have a good work ethic, the ones i’ve met have been very employable, and you are already the certified trainer so the unofficial training aspect has gorn straight out the window.
Indeed unless you train in the normal fashion you could find yourself in a quandry…presumably you’ve trained and signed off others so a pattern of normal working practice (‘‘Custom and Practice’’) has been established.
Same old story here, profit rules and always will, say what you like to your boss but he pays the wages at the end of the day, we could all say “don’t do it” but that’s cutting your nose off to spite your face.
UK hauliers are under pressure constantly to cut rates by the companies that hire them, I know for a fact that the per mile rate I am seeing now is less than that of 1998, given that all the other costs have rocketed its a wonder they are employing Brit drivers at all.
is your company doing so well its likely expanding? if so i wouldnt worry about it .
if however, sales of gas arent on the up and if anything on the down then id be more worried that this might be a cost cutting move .
Look at it this way.
If you train them and they replace you then you are out of a job.
If you don’t train them and some else does, they replace you and you will still be out of a job.
train him up ad then at the next general election make your voice heard
The Sarge:
Yup, you could possibly stop it happening. You could possibly keep your job as it is. You could possibly end up out of work due to the firm becoming unprofitable. You could go with the flow.
Your choice.And if you keep going with the flow you could end up on £7ph!
As I said - your choice…
I say you tell him to do a split couple and when hes not looking take the trailer brake off… nothing to worry about then
That’s rather foolish and dangerous to suggest it, maybe 1 day someone will do the same to you … karma and all that does come around
christ carnt take a joke… miserable c**t
I say you tell him to do a split couple and when hes not looking take the trailer brake off… nothing to worry about then
What a knob head.
Christ carnt take a joke… miserable c**t
I say you tell him to do a split couple and when hes not looking take the trailer brake off… nothing to worry about then
What a knob head.
Christ carnt take a joke… miserable c**t
It made me laugh!
I think that was the word ■■■■ though, I love that word ha ha
Happy sole:
Just been told that our company has recruited 2 drivers from an agency in Belgium ,
The first started on Monday, Romanian guy never drivers in the uk or a right hand drive truck rate of pay he’s getting yet to be disclosed our company is a small gas supply company with only 3 drivers these drivers supposedly are going employed just to bring gas into the uk from Belgium for onward delivery by us but our boss wants me to train these guys on how to load and unload out road tankers I see them coming over and doing deliveries as we’ll then shipping back I ain’t to pleased with all this the other drivers I work with think I’m reading to much into it and say they will train them I’ve been with this company 10 years and it’s a very we’ll paid job should I just roll with it and train them■■?
Just an update,goes some thing like this
Hello my name is Petra I called him peter ,showed him round the truck never driven a manual box
Best still didn’t even no how to fill out a tachograph I’m serious only ever used a digi his adr was a bit suspect to look at but a call to the agency in Belgium confirmed is documents where all legal etc etc
Long story short the guy lasted 4 days , He just wasn’t suitable the next guy his mate is due over next Monday if he turns up raised my concerns to my employer and he also agreed he wasn’t suitable so may be the next guy may do better…
So Basically, you insulted him by calling him by a false name. Then you mocked him for not knowing how to do something that he hadn’t been taught (twice). You accused him of having a fake ADR (it wasn’t). Then you didn’t teach him anything.
And YOU are the official trainer
Happy Sole, please train the next foreigner not to park right on a busy junction; I only just managed to get past him, a few seconds more and he’dve been standing right infront of me, waving a map and delivery notes. I think he got the skip driver behind me though.
The Sarge:
So Basically, you insulted him by calling him by a false name. Then you mocked him for not knowing how to do something that he hadn’t been taught (twice). You accused him of having a fake ADR (it wasn’t). Then you didn’t teach him anything.
And YOU are the official trainer
What do you want him to do? Take him home for dinner and a shot at the wife?
The Sarge:
So Basically, you insulted him by calling him by a false name. Then you mocked him for not knowing how to do something that he hadn’t been taught (twice). You accused him of having a fake ADR (it wasn’t). Then you didn’t teach him anything.
And YOU are the official trainer
Just to put your mind at rest,my friend he told me to call him peter
The guys cv stated that he had driven trucks tankers adr etc etc now you mean to tell me this guy with all this alleged experience needs to be shown how to fill out a tacho graph
I don’t think so that’s the basics mate.
The guy just didn’t fit the bill simple even after us getting an independent driving assessor in on his 4th day to check his driving he was given every chance but ■■■■■■■■ won’t count for experience
Happy Sole, please train the next foreigner not to park right on a busy junction; I only just managed to get past him, a few seconds more and he’dve been standing right infront of me, waving a map and delivery notes. I think he got the skip driver behind me though.
Some of them are fricking idiots! I’ve got a job that sometimes runs late but can’t get in or out of the site cause of EE’s parked all over the place up to their knees in mud but it don’t seem to bother those guys, its a desolate hole of a place but they seem to enjoy it there, maybe cause its free parking? BTW A to B but not to Kew check out Dodge Kew built lorrys,right up to the last of them a good reliable wagon!
MAYBE taking your jobs,it might be that they need training to enable them to make deliveries on their way home in and around Belgium.
Whatever happens if you lose your job because of it happening you would, I would think, have a good case for unfair dismisal.
However i wouldn’t be holding my breath on that, my experience of Romanian drivers is that they are often bloody good drivers who tend to have a good work ethic, the ones i’ve met have been very employable
that’s odd, from what I’ve seen all over europe my experience of them can be shown on the following video: