I look at the OP a bit different and with many of the new drivers with some sympathy.
When i took my test i’d been on 7.5 tonners for a few years, and knew me way about, been a banger racer so was used to knocking stuff out the way without damaging me own wheels too much, and used to towing bangers behind me own banger with no trailer brakes at around 75mph most of the time, so was well suited to being a scrat arse lorry driver.
Things is the HGV course was ten days under the instruction of a certain Jimmy Morrison, who you had to bloody perform for or you knew about it soon enough, but there was time there to do lots of driving and near enough a whole day maneuvering and Jimmy was a lorry driver of the old school, so he didn’t just teach you do pass a test, he had time and the inclination to teach you how to control a lorry.
There isn’t the time now on courses, new drivers are test trained and thats about it, it hasn’t helped IMHO the move to auto boxes in training/testing lorries and this practice of gaining manual tickets for auto passes is about as wrong as its possible to be and needs to be reversed in short order.
New driver passes test and has no confidence is hardly surprising, driving and especially reversing by numbers doesn’t help our newbies out in the real world.
As for London drops, even 25 odd years ago on Kwik Save i used to make some serious overtime out of blokes that were terrified of the place, i’d come in about 3am or so for my one hit Grimsby say, often enough there’d be some bugger there ■■■■■■■■ themselves, wassup mate, i’ve got three drops London , do you want me to do those and you do my straight hit Grimsby, would you thanks mate, he went off happy as larry on a 9 hour run, i wrote 13 or 15 on me clock card and swanned off to perve at all the luscious ladies that would walk or drive past the motor whilst i’d be parked outside the Clapham shop (two hundred yards from the underground station) between 6 and 9 am, phwoar, all paid perving
Lorrying isn’t natural for everyone, at one time most lorryists usually ended up in the job because that was what they wanted to do, now there are far more who have ended up doing it as just another job, it isn’t just another job as they soon find out, unfortunately not everyone is cut out for it hence why i suggest potential lorryists get jobs on large vans for a decent time to see if suits them before ■■■■■■■ £3k up the wall for something their just aint going to enjoy.