How would you check the wheels with them skirts lol
How would you check the wheels with them skirts lol
I thought that but when I was watching the video it looked like the flaps lift up out of the way for that very reason.
Oh, and I may be in a minority of one but I quite like it.
It is an impractical design , too many bits of expensive plastic to be ripped off, it would have to made bigger too, seems very small , it could still kill a dumb cyclist who got on the wrong side of it , I can see those indicator storks being modified into Sharp blades to slice the heads of ignorant cyclist , the ones who try to stand up balancing on the pedals at the lights …one upside to it …
The funny thing is they go on about fuel saving for haulage firms but what’s the point. They will just have another fuel hike to compensate the dip in revenue!
That indicator on the stork be good for clouting them on the head as I wizz by.
What kind of sick individual would fit an indicator to a bird ffs?
This pictures been around for years. Seems a shame the BBC have rehashed such an old photo/concept and made a story out of it.