Nearly pooped my pants!

It happened to me on the Landfill backed right near the edge and the bin motor next to me took off boy I thought I was going to go over.You feel that stupid having nearly shoved the brake pedal through the floor. Eddie.

I have had similar experiences,i have had to stop a little way up the road convinced i haven’t shut the back door properly or i haven’t put my cage bar in!


Stopped for a “Comfort break” on the A50 near East midlands airport today. Got back in cab and started engine. Just checking where I was heading on my map and had my head down and i thought the truck was suddenly reversing. I slammed the breaks as hard as I could but nothing stopped me… Then I realised it was the truck moving off next to me. Doh!! Scared me though

was you parked in a layby were there is a blue café of the A50? Blue magnum?

No i was in the services