Right, I read about as much of this as I can stomach. First of all I’ve been involved in training all my adult life. I work in an industry where we’re trained/tested to the limit every 5 or so months. I’ve been involved in training myself. Driving, whilst not aviation bares resemblance. Training skills are training skills.
First!!! What makes ME incredibly angry is reading that your instructor was getting angry. If that is the case, the instructor you talk of has no place as an instructor. That’s part of the deal as an instructor - if you fail to adapt to the trainees needs and feel frustration that can show as anger, it’s a very damning indictment of that instructor’s personal skill set and coping strategy. They’re there to keep your safe during your training and facilitate the best performance from you.
Please move on from this. In instruction, bar someone calling you a “see you next Tuesday”, the excuse of personality clash is a poor cover for a very very bad instructor. The whole point of instruction is you recognise and acknowledge the stresses placed upon trainees may make them hard to work with. That’s your ■■■■ job as an instructor so if you can’t deal with those challenges, bugger off and go back to annoying people in the RDC waiting rooms?!
If I were you I’d take a break and seek alternative instruction. The current situation is a downward spiral. The instructor will be fine, he keeps his job! It’s you that suffers for his woeful human factors skills. You deserve for the money you’re paying ,a proper and capable instructor.
Please don’t let this bring you down. I bet my hat you’re actually very good under capable and confidence inspiring hands but this negative influence has brought your confidence down and impeded your potential performance.
… which is a more articulate and forceful version of what I politely said early on in this thread.
The hard fact is that the truck driver training industry is littered with “trainers” who are untrained, unregistered and unqualified. And worse still, not bothered about achieving the industry qualification as it is stupidly voluntary.
My question to any unregistered trainer is “why?” Part of the registration tests is to ascertain ability to deal with varying situations with a stooge candidate. Fail that and you fail the test.
Until a more professional approach is adopted, then the industry will remain a game of pot luck when it comes to quality of training.
There are certainly unregistered trainers out there doing a perfectly good job - what a pity they cant be bothered to prove it. Similarly, there are far too many folks happy to take the money, dish out some crap and consider that to be a fair deal.

Yes I tend not to sit upon the fence with this subject
. My views have been sculpted over many years as training/checking has formed such a large extent of my working life in flying.
I was a line instructor during coastguard ops. Further on, equally in the past I have suffered at the hands of some old school/overseas ex Turkish Air Force dinosaur examiners on the 747 who needed the boot frankly and made everyone’s recurrent checks a down right misery.
Luckily aviation has a very low tolerance to poor standardization in the west and is extremely tightly controlled. People still manage on occasion to slip through the net unbelievably. That’s humans for you and their ability to volte face. I firmly believe the same attitudes to training/checking apply to many remotely related disciplines such as driving.
Peter Smythe:
… which is a more articulate and forceful version of what I politely said early on in this thread.
The hard fact is that the truck driver training industry is littered with “trainers” who are untrained, unregistered and unqualified. And worse still, not bothered about achieving the industry qualification as it is stupidly voluntary.
My question to any unregistered trainer is “why?” Part of the registration tests is to ascertain ability to deal with varying situations with a stooge candidate. Fail that and you fail the test.
Until a more professional approach is adopted, then the industry will remain a game of pot luck when it comes to quality of training.
There are certainly unregistered trainers out there doing a perfectly good job - what a pity they cant be bothered to prove it. Similarly, there are far too many folks happy to take the money, dish out some crap and consider that to be a fair deal.

Whilst I fully agree with the above quote Pete, we don’t actually know if the Instructor is “qualified” or not as such. I will be perfectly honest and say there are “qualified” trainers
touting how highly qualified they are who are completely rubbish at the job - IMO personality, commitment and dedication to the job are just as important as a piece of paper to say you can do it.
There is no place in any training environment for anyone who can’t get knowledge across without shouting - and I hope the OP has the strength to push on and prove he is good enough.
I trained with the same guy a one man band , yea he’s qualified that doesn’t really say much tho does it !
I had pretty much the same experiences as the op has
I felt like quitting after the first hour !
Luckily I did scrape a pass as wouldn’t of been able to spend another minute in his company !
I got a job cat c then went to pstt for my c + e what a difference in teaching style etc , I actually enjoyed the whole training experience 
The op has his test today , good luck mate . Hope you get a positive result .
Cheers Mike
Good luck Wavey. Hope it goes well today. 
Well, the day started out as expected, with a telling off for a dumbass mistake. So I spoke to him about how this approach isn’t working for me and that while I need to be told about the errors his manner is just making me more nervous than I already am.
I wanted to post this prior to my test so that it is completely objective and not influenced by the result, so test in just under an hour… The day today has been different and I have enjoyed it, the instructor seems more relaxed and I certainly am. I have still made a few errors, one of which I could see was a serious and worthy of a total fail, but he did just allow me to drive and sort it out and spoke to me about it after the manoeuvre. So in the interest of fairness, it’s been a good day… So far!
Wish I’d discussed this earlier with him, as it has made a difference to the point that he has told me apart from a few ragged edges here and there, I should be ok as long as I can stay focused and remember everything. We’ll see!
I’ll be back on in around a couple of hours to update with my result. Again thanks to all on here for yor support and good wishes.
Yes, all the best. I know of one registered instructor in Nottm who would be better off doing something else. But that is the exception rather than the rule.
And I agree that the industry has no place for folks who cant explain calmly and fully without getting het up.

Well, here’s a funny thing… I’m sad to say that I didn’t pass, but I really have enjoyed the day today, despite the result. Overall I had just 4 minors and the examiner even commented on it being a good and confident drive after we were done. However, I knew what was coming as at the very first manoeuvre of the test, the reverse, I made a total ■■■■ of myself by not paying enough attention to the layout of the course and clipping one of the left side cones as I hadn’t realised it was even there. I thought I was through and ready to start straightening up and… Oops!
But really in fairness, I can’t complain about today, it was just a stupid thing I did and no fault of anyone but me. And in addition to this, despite whatever personality clash there might have been, he had obviously taught me everything I needed to know to pass my test, which is, after all What I had paid the guy to do, and after just asking him to calm it down on the tellings off, he did just that and allowed me to relax and drive, just pointing out mistakes when needed.
So my verdict is this, it is just a bit of a personality clash, and the guy is big enough to and adaptable enough to alter his approach, one just needs to point it out and ask. Ill be redoing my test with him (hopefully in the next couple of weeks) as I see little point in confusing things with having to re learn a new vehicle, and besides, we have come to understand each other better. As for C+E, I’ll get this one out of the way before I give that any more thought.
Thanks again everyone for your support, advice and good wishes, it’s been really helpful and very appreciated.
Now, off to the pub for a commiseratory pint (or 4).
Hard lines mate. Sounds like you should nail it next time.
Good luck
Unlucky wavy. Sounds like your attitude is spot on though mate. Temporary delay in obtaining your license,thats all.
Sounds like it was just a lapse in concentration pal. We are all guilty of that,license or no license.
Yeah, totally dumbass mistake. Good drive otherwise.
onwards and onwards.
If nowt else, it’s a bit more experience before being let out on my own.
Better luck next time Wavey. 4 minors is a ■■■■ good drive. You’ll nail it next time. Good to hear your instructor chilled out.
All the best mate.
Looks like test nerves got the better of you - and believe me it can happen to the best of driver.
I am really glad you feel the way you do about the result - unfortunately it can’t always be a first time pass every time.
Take a positive thing from this and I am sure you will be successful next time