Didn’t need a explanation of the rules,just a simple yes or no would have done.thanks 4 reply’s
I could have given you a simple yes or no answer. But there is more than one person who will be reading this post. I wanted to provide you and everyone else reading this with an explanation.
You might not have needed an explanation of the rules, but you certainly need to brush up on your manners. If he had said YES or NO without an explanation, I get the feeling that would not have been sufficient to satisfy you.
Nothing wrong with my manner’s You don’t know me so don’t judge me.All i wrote was this
Didn’t need a explanation of the rules,just a simple yes or no would have done.thanks 4 reply’s
And you take offence,are you a part of the pc brigade where i ain’t allowed to say anything unless it’s cleared through guy’s like you.get a life
NO need to justify yourself, Breaker one nine, you answered the question in a perfectly correct manner and you did not deserve the response you got.
No one asked breaker one nine to justify himself,and i was happy enough with his reply,which i thank him for,if breaker one nine took offence then i can only apologise for that as none was intended.No need for you Colonel to get on your high horse over it.
Not on a high horse at all, your response was rude, given that he had answered the question with some clarity, something you appear to be lacking in your make-up.
Not on a high horse at all, your response was rude, given that he had answered the question with some clarity, something you appear to be lacking in your make-up.
Aye wotever as said already get a life and don’t take internet talk so dam serious.
Oh well at least it started a bit of a debate, with regard to following the truck in your pals car.
Is it not possible to thumb a lift in your own company vehicle and be “off duty” just riding as a passenger. I thought technically/legally you had to be away from your place of work for the break to stand, therefore sitting in a cab on a 20/45 min break would technically not be allowed ?
Oh well at least it started a bit of a debate, with regard to following the truck in your pals car.
Is it not possible to thumb a lift in your own company vehicle and be “off duty” just riding as a passenger. I thought technically/legally you had to be away from your place of work for the break to stand, therefore sitting in a cab on a 20/45 min break would technically not be allowed ?
Just asking,
Ps Is Rog still on his weekly rest period
There would probably an insurance issue on the thumbing the lift thing, and if stopped how would you prove you weren’t multi-manning and still on duty?
Laptop issue done and dusted then!! I believe its a lot easier to talk to people if you are pleasant with them even when you are telling them they arent going anywhere for 45 hours…so Im all for staying onside.
Common sense can sometimes take a backseat Im afraid…and thats down to personal attitude.
We can follow;
the letter of the law ( your Jobsworth )
the spirit of the law ( most VOSA personnel )
Im afraid its only me, a humble TE, that congratulates you on driving legally despite working for a well known firm. You should take pride in that fact!!
The day I actually start taking pleasure in ruining a drivers day is the day I will quit.
We have had two vehicles stopped this week for stuff in the windscreen. Where I can see a problem with restricted view etc I think VOSA are being over the top on the issue, I am sure there are far more pressing issues than this. One of the vehicles was actually photographed for evidence before he was pulled. I think that the vehicles that were pulled were by the example 1 of your post. This is what gets VOSA a bad name. Now all of our drivers have been told to have nothing in the windscreen or higher than the top of the dash due to this.
I drive for a company with a well maintained fleet and it seems like VOSA are now looking for any excuse. I see foreign trucks with laptops open on the dash and have even seen a one watching a movie. Are the foreign trucks too much paperwork to pull over?
bowserman: Are the foreign trucks too much paperwork to pull over?
Wheel tappers had a foreign truck on the sawtry weightbridge this afternoon as I went by, do the wheel tappers have in-house translators for when trucks they pull the drivers do not speak english …
VOSA staff are encouraged to learn to speak other languages but they do have access to the same telephone translators that plod use, I think days are pretty much gone where a truck was not pulled because of a language barrier. It’s sad that they do seem to pick on English trucks though but they know that English drivers are not going to be so troublesome as foriegn ones.
So have you had a reply from vosa yet and am i allowed to put my satnav in my windscreen or not if not where do i put if then :
In the bin, a proper trucker wouldn’t need one.
So says the man in an Asda wagon who gets maps, directions and risk assessments everywhere he goes.
You are quite correct my friend, but you’re probably unaware that I did 25 years trucking in the real world before I started at ASDA. It’s the easy life for me now, I’ve earned it.
May not have the hassle from VOSA but get the hassle from your own employers.
Did a shift the other night for a supermarket, at one of the stores the guy at the back door was telling a driver was in the day or so before unloading and some kids were chucking stones and smashed one of the side windows on the truck. The back door guy was saying the driver would have to go back get de-briefed and undertake a drugs and alcohol test because he had been involved in an incident.
Also seen someone escorted off the site by security guards because he had been seen by someone smoking a ■■■ in his truck.