My son came home with his first

Xmas card today…what the fks all that about?!

An Xmas card (aka Christmas card) is a greeting item used this time of year as a friendly gesture to pass between friends and family.
Although theres no obligation to send one in return it is expected.

You will also find around 25th December your son expects gifts of varying cost and usefullness that he can play with for a day or two.

Xmas or Christmas is also a time for fun and merryment and normally involves consuming large amounts of food like Turkey (vegetarians normally prefer dust if they can muster the strength to eat it).

Think its also a time of year for giving stuff to complete strangers and generally being nice (santas watching)…but thats a can of worms to discuss on an open forum.

Christmas is a time of year in general for giving and receiving, people do it in different ways, some look forward to a nice present, for others the only present they want is life…

Sorry turned this post into a bit of a ‘pause for thought’…

It’s general chat,could always just ignore it if it doesn’t interest/bother/concern you.

On this forum? No chance! Lol :laughing:
I give it at least 3 pages!


Ok call time in the rdc waiting rooms Im getting a Prince George 2015 calender … so there