My rant about drivers

we need more like you then rog to care and see or write to these bodies,i would like to ree the accident stats for this manouver

just send an e-mail to your local MP and they pass it on to the relevant department - that dept then replies to the local MP who then informs you of the reply - no need to leave the PC :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Suprising some of the views here. Everyone seems to know just what ‘they should’ or just what they ‘have to do’. I must be a muppet because i will either brake or move over to let someone onto a motorway. I do this so as to avoid an accident, no matter who’s fault it may potentially be. Sitting in lane two all day after i have moved over for someone doesn’t bother me in the slightest, one of us will eventually slow down and tuck in, there is an overtaking lane if anyone wants to use it to get past us. I’ve slipped onto a motorway in my car inbetween two trucks, the following truck decided it would be good for him to close the gap, i thought it would be good fun to test his reflexes and went anyway, i fugured if he hit me he would have to stop and then i could look him in the eye and ask him just why he done it(make for a gap of 10 feet between him and the lorry in front) which he didn’t initially have) And i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again…i’ll defy anyone here in a truck to get from Lancaster junction 31(?) northbound with out making anyone move over from lane one or brake? A lot of you all know the rules but lack any real common sense in applying them.

“The Rules” don’t say that you should make any allowances for anyone wishing to join the motorway (or dual carriagway for that matter) but that vehicles wishing to join should try to match their speed to excisting traffic and GIVE WAY to vehicles already in the lane. If you can’t accept that then bugger you, sit on the hard shoulder and wait for a suitable gap where you will not inconvenience vehicles already on the motorway.

However, common sense says that IF I can, I will allow other vehicles to enter the motorway by moving to another lane or adjusting my speed. I don’t have to, and will only do so if I consider it safe and convenient to me. I will make much more effort for fellow truck drivers, but don’t take it for granted. As far as I am concerned, there is an unwritten agreement amongst truckers that if someone lets you on you will hold back until they can pull back into lane 1 if they want to. Mess me about and you are a marked truck! If I can keep you blocked in by not being a “fellow trucker” I will. I won’t do anything dangerous or illegal, but I certainly won’t do you any favours.

99% of the time other truck drivers are fellow professionals, and it is a pleasure to see a manouvre work out to everyone’s advantage. But I agree with the OP there are some idiot truckers on the roads as well.

Rog said "the DfT/DSA say that they know what is best and thats that " - that is the unfortunate truth, but I won’t rant about it here!

“The Rules” don’t say that you should make any allowances for anyone wishing to join the motorway (or dual carriagway for that matter) but that vehicles wishing to join should try to match their speed to excisting traffic and GIVE WAY to vehicles already in the lane. If you can’t accept that then bugger you, sit on the hard shoulder and wait for a suitable gap where you will not inconvenience vehicles already on the motorway.
However, common sense says that IF I can, I will allow other vehicles to enter the motorway by moving to another lane or adjusting my speed. I don’t have to, and will only do so if I consider it safe and convenient to me. I will make much more effort for fellow truck drivers, but don’t take it for granted. As far as I am concerned, there is an unwritten agreement amongst truckers that if someone lets you on you will hold back until they can pull back into lane 1 if they want to. Mess me about and you are a marked truck! If I can keep you blocked in by not being a “fellow trucker” I will. I won’t do anything dangerous or illegal, but I certainly won’t do you any favours.

99% of the time other truck drivers are fellow professionals, and it is a pleasure to see a manouvre work out to everyone’s advantage. But I agree with the OP there are some idiot truckers on the roads as well.

Rog said "the DfT/DSA say that they know what is best and thats that " - that is the unfortunate truth, but I won’t rant about it here!

Well i don’t know about anyone else but i’m at a total loss as to what you are actually saying other than you ‘mark’ some trucks. Do you let them on or do you hold your ground and stick to the rules, make your mind up one way or another.

99% of the time other truck drivers are fellow professionals

Shows that you do very little or no driving if you think that !

Mike - read paragraph 2

Mike - read paragraph 2

Right, so you’re like me then? If you need to and the situation calls for it you either slow up or move over. Glad we cleared that up.

Rob K:

99% of the time other truck drivers are fellow professionals

Shows that you do very little or no driving if you think that !

If I told the whole truth as I see it I’d get banned :laughing: :laughing:

I drive 5 days every week. A few are pillocks, most are OK. I’m not perfect, but I try to be.

The majority I encounter are pretty professional. Just my experience and my opinion based upon it.