My office boy

It’s reassuring to know that there are so many agencies out there that don’t have any basic respect for the people who make their money for them.
To those who think that the hour or 45minutes that gets deducted from your wages doesn’t get deducted from the client’s bill… think again. That deduction comes out of our income too. I tell all the drivers that it’s likely to happen and that they should be sure to take the break. There are clients who don’t deduct anything. There are even clients who add on the occasional hour or two to make a driver’s wages up.

We treat our drivers as we would expect to be treated if the boot were on t’other foot. Some of them have been here for 5 years or more.

But for those who have had bad experiences with agencies, keep telling us all about them. It makes me glad to be alive and to be running the business I do.

Do you have an office in Yorkshire


Do you have an office in Yorkshire


Not what you would think of as Yorkshire, although those born round here have always been qualified to play cricket for God’s Own County :smiley: