My first day driving :)

Well done mate and glad you enjoyed it.
Stiff neck is probably a bit of stress,uptight on your first day.
Get a good A-Z if similar if your delivery area then you can plan your routes ahead. It’ll be far better and easier than following a sat-nav blind and also you’ll find you remember routes and addresses easier by map too. Bit of time before you set off spent studying your routes etc and you’ll soon be flying round :wink:


Here’s a tip i use when i’m not sure where a firm is. google the firm, and you should get a phone number for them, ring them direct. Everytime i’ve done it, they have always given me the best way in, avoiding weight limits etc.

I remember my first day out, lied through my teeth over experience to get the start. Drove off the dock to the gate, hit the brake like I did in the car and near launched my second man through the windscreen. He didn’t look too pleased either :smiley: Get your seat right for you, your going to spend a good few hours sitting there so, be comfy and chill out, your aches will ease. Well done on surviving.

I thought if it was 7.5t and anything over?

That’s correct, they are weight limits. If your not heavy enough, you can’t go down them :grimacing:

Congrats on the first day :smiley:

Remember don’t get too complacent. It’s not so bad in a 7.5t, just be aware of tail swing in tight roads. Best of luck for day 2!

How did you find the tacho and driver regs??

Well done on your first day.
As mentioned already your neck muscles will hurt a bit as its a muscle group being used more than your used to, check your headrest height though.
A hot bath or some light neck exercises before and after can help i think.

Keep the pedal to the metal and the lipstick off your dipstick…

Tacho actually wasn’t to bad to use, when engines off it automatically switches to other work so I only have to worry about putting my breaks on,
Cos I do local multi drop I’m just startin at half 7, have my 45 mins at half 12 to cut out everyone’s break times and then it’s all good

As others have said, well done and relax! Don’t let people knock you down because you ask the questions. :sunglasses:

Google maps wasn’t any help to me I tried it, also if I’m in a 7.5 ton and I see a sign with 7.5 on it, I can still use that road can’t I as I’m not over 7.5

7.5 tonne signs just mean don’t get caught and go fast lol, the majority of them have except for access on them, if the drop is within a mile I go down it as a rough rule, I went doen one where the drop was 3 miles away but the drop was on that road so for me that is access, I suppose it’s down to interpretation.

Take it steady, I was told in my first day on the road

“you’ll only get 2 things from rushing’ hernias and babies”

Make sure your seat is properly adjusted and not too bouncy.

If money is tight you can get a cheap truck sat nav off ebay for about £50 brand new, they are good bits of kit to get you by but when you can afford it, buy a tomtom or snooper.


To make the day better the taillift was broken

Did you check it before you went out on the road?

Did you defect it when you got back?
