My Engilsh is bad,but here we go,tin hat on

My pet hate is someone using too many commas. :laughing:

As long as its readable i don’t see a problem. Are you going to ban people who make spelling mistakes? Do you want a mod to spend all day inserting full stops and question marks?

All forums are the same regardless of occupation except maybe the ‘‘english teacher’’ forum if that even exists :smiling_imp:

Capital E on English please :stuck_out_tongue:


Come on lads,this is school boy stuff,the thing is the public look on these sites,and make a judgement that we cant read and write,our image is down the loo,for joe public,i know im not the best speller,but i have seen on here:
Wharehouse for warehouse.
Driveing for driving.
There being used instead of their.
Plural words with the Y at the end,like agencys for agencies.
Too much as to much.
No capitals after a full stop,no comas to break up a long post,need to breath sometimes.
Brakes for tacho breaks.
Yes,you don`t need an English degree to drive a truck,so if you are born overseas,that is understandable,or suffer drom dyxslexia.


This subject has been done to death before, but the answer will stay the same. :unamused:

If it’s understandable, then what’s the problem??

Speaking very generally, people have various abilities and various dis-abilities, so it’s really unfair of you to judge some of the people by your own standards when there is an almost endless list of valid reasons for why any person’s English is as it is.

BTW, some of the faults that you’ve pointed out are to do with typing and formatting skills, so what those people wrote wouldn’t necessarily have appeared as it does on here if they’d used a pen and written the same thing on paper. :wink:

You mentioned your own English, but your English is understandable, so I’m not commenting on that.
I would generally suggest that anybody who lives in a glass house might like to think carefully before they start throwing stones.

:laughing: :laughing:

We as a nation are very lazy and to a certain degree, very thick when it comes to our own language which is an absolute disgrace. How can we expect anyone to learn our language when they come here if we can’t learn it ourselves?

And Dave, that’s the problem, a lot of it is NOT understandable in this day and age, written or otherwise, so I think that you should respect Toby’s opinion, not slate him for it. I absolutely agree with Toby, some of it is barely understandable and a lot of it is down to the fact we now use text speak instead of proper words and phrases, and that should be a major concern for the future.

Maybe I’m old school, but I was taught proper English, write and speak to people in a polite manner, and expect the same in return and if that’s a problem then God help our language.

Sir Trevor Macdonald is a leading figure in the campaign for plain English, and I for one applaud his efforts to keep our language in the way it should be…innit.


Hi Ken,

I’m old school too, but TBF what Toby has written about doesn’t always amount to things which would stop folk from understanding.

I agree with Toby to some extent that it’s schoolboy stuff, but for many reasons, some folks didn’t finish school, or didn’t attend for all of the time that they should have. Let’s be fair, those folks probably know that their English isn’t the best, but they have a choice as to whether they do anything about it, or not.

:bulb: Education is now open and accessible to everybody, so at least folks have a choice.
In all fairness, IMHO the things that Toby pointed out in his OP are fairly minor things in the overall scheme of life. Now, if Toby had mentioned ‘text speak’ then that’s different and is discouraged because it’s not understood by everybody.

This goes back to my earlier point about a person using their own standard when judging another.
If we were to set a standard, where would the benchmark be set?
If a benchmark were set, wouldn’t that exclude some posters for lack of ability in either English or typing?

From a practical point of view, how exactly would Toby have us implement his idea?
I’d have great difficulty writing something in reply to a post that goes something like this:

“Sorry mate, you’re not allowed to post here, because some of us don’t think your English is up to a standard.”
I’m sorry, but my conscience wouldn’t allow me to bully people and alienate them from posting simply because their English/typing isn’t so good.

For my 2p worth in this discussion, I’d like to ask folks to consider whether a person’s English/typing skills makes their news unworthy of being read, or their opinion any less valid? I also wonder why it is that a polite question can’t be asked of a poster if their meaning is unclear?

Cruise Control:
worst bit Dieseldave is every time you step out the shower you forget you live in a glass house! Lol

There once was a king on a tropical island. his people loved him so much, that on his 25th birthday, they presented him with a golden throne encrusted with Diamonds, Emeralds and Rubies.
One day, a lookout reported a ship full of white sailors determined to ■■■■ and pilage across the island. The king ordered his guards to hide his thone in the roof so that the white men would not steal it.
After the ship had sailed, and the island was safe once again, the king was sitting thinking how lucky he was to have saved his precious throne, when the roof collapsed and the throne came crashing down and killed him.
The moral of this story is, people who live in grass houses, shouldn’t stow thrones!


Cruise Control:
worst bit Dieseldave is every time you step out the shower you forget you live in a glass house! Lol

There once was a king on a tropical island. his people loved him so much, that on his 25th birthday, they presented him with a golden throne encrusted with Diamonds, Emeralds and Rubies.
One day, a lookout reported a ship full of white sailors determined to ■■■■ and pilage across the island. The king ordered his guards to hide his thone in the roof so that the white men would not steal it.
After the ship had sailed, and the island was safe once again, the king was sitting thinking how lucky he was to have saved his precious throne, when the roof collapsed and the throne came crashing down and killed him.
The moral of this story is, people who live in grass houses, shouldn’t stow thrones!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Cruise Control:
und downt get mea startid un gramah.

My Gramah died years ago when I was a teenager

It’s quite right though, not so much on this site but the likes of Facebook you cringe at some of the spelling from teenagers, only today I saw a niece write " An Amazon person" Lol instead of Amazing Peson and she is in her early twenties Lol

Says a hell of a lot about the British Education system

The moral of this story is, people who live in grass houses, shouldn’t stow thrones!

i’ve just tried that and the stone dissapeared through the wall…waiting for somone to throw is back as that was my last stone :cry: :laughing: :wink:

I agree with Toby, in this day and age of computers it really isn’t that hard to use a spell check.

The one thing that gets my goat is the use of etc. It is ETC as in et cetera not ECT which stands for Ealing community transport.

My grammer and spelling is terrible, however I can normally get my point across wether by the written word or in talking , this is a forum for truck drivers not secondry school English teachers. When the forum for English teachers start to debate the finer points of the RTD and its effects on drivers then perhaps we may look at merging the forums and imposing standards, until then as long as posts are reasonably coherent and can be understood | dont see the problem.

Text speak however is banned :wink:

My grammer and spelling is terrible, however I can normally get my point across wether by the written word or in talking , this is a forum for truck drivers not secondry school English teachers. When the forum for English teachers start to debate the finer points of the RTD and its effects on drivers then perhaps we may look at merging the forums and imposing standards, until then as long as posts are reasonably coherent and can be understood | dont see the problem.

Text speak however is banned :wink:

Rikki you also forgot to add if the post content doesn’t match your impecible standards it gets banned aswell. :imp: :imp:

Rikki you also forgot to add if the post content doesn’t match your impecible standards it gets banned aswell. :imp: :imp:

Nah, not quite Gremmie. If you can’t be bothered to post within the rules, THEN it gets banned.

Before I discovered internet forums I always used to chuckle to myself when I saw the “must be numerate and literate” requirement on job ads, thinking they were taking the ■■■■. Then I discovered internet forums and instantly saw the reason why :open_mouth: .

Personally I think it’s pretty shocking that with the education system we have in the UK so many adults are unable to string a sentence together without basic punctuation and grammar. What you see on UK internet forums is the kind of standard you’d expect from a third world country with no education system. It’s got absolutely nothing to do with everyone being “English teachers”, this is basic stuff that gets taught in primary school. :open_mouth:

I only just scraped an ‘O’ level pass in my English subjects so I’m far from being a literacy God before anyone says. It’s just something you pick up as go along and with there being no shortage of self help websites there’s really no excuse for it. I’ve never once used a spell checker in nearly 20 years of being online. That’s not to say that I don’t struggle with some words because I do, but a 5 second visit to or one of the thesaurus websites quickly solves that problem.

'Trouble is if you start making requirements for members to have a certain level of literacy before they can post then you soon find yourself with an empty forum because half the population are illiterate. :open_mouth:

I do find it rather amusing that Toby states “My En**gil**sh is bad” and “i know im not the best speller” then goes on to rip apart all those that can’t spell. :unamused: :grimacing:

E&OE. :wink:

Rob K:
Before I discovered internet forums I always used to chuckle to myself when I saw the “must be numerate and literate” requirement on job ads, thinking they were taking the ■■■■. Then I discovered internet forums and instantly saw the reason why :open_mouth: .

Personally I think it’s pretty shocking that with the education system we have in the UK so many adults are unable to string a sentence together without basic punctuation and grammar. What you see on UK internet forums is the kind of standard you’d expect from a third world country with no education system. It’s got absolutely nothing to do with everyone being “English teachers”, this is basic stuff that gets taught in primary school. :open_mouth:

I only just scraped an ‘O’ level pass in my English subjects so I’m far from being a literacy God before anyone says. It’s just something you pick up as go along and with there being no shortage of self help websites there’s really no excuse for it. I’ve never once used a spell checker in nearly 20 years of being online. That’s not to say that I don’t struggle with some words because I do, but a 5 second visit to or one of the thesaurus websites quickly solves that problem.

'Trouble is if you start making requirements for members to have a certain level of literacy before they can post then you soon find yourself with an empty forum because half the population are illiterate. :open_mouth:

I do find it rather amusing that Toby states “My En**gil**sh is bad” and “i know im not the best speller” then goes on to rip apart all those that can’t spell. :unamused: :grimacing:

E&OE. :wink:

I do find myself putting myself in the firing line here as my punctuation is not perfect on the forums, it is grammar and wrong spelling that get me, yes we can all make a mistake but simple things like brake and break, tee and tea, soup and soap, etc.

I am afraid that too many people use the dyslexic card when you can tell by the rest of the post they are just lazy. Dyslexia does exist and causes problems for many, but to help yourself, use Mozilla Firefox as a browser, it comes with automatic spell check that also works on Facebook.

Apparently stuttering or stammering is more prevalent than Dyslexia, although easier to diagnose (obviously) at a young age, treatment is easier.

Yes. I can read many of the badly spelled posts on here, some are quite funny and worth ripping apart, but some change the meaning (context :wink: ) of a sentence or paragraph.

I imagine a twin splitter could be taken to mean something differently in a ■■■■ film, to what it does in a lorry forum :stuck_out_tongue:

Davey Driver:
It’s quite right though, not so much on this site but the likes of Facebook you cringe at some of the spelling from teenagers, only today I saw a niece write " An Amazon person" Lol instead of Amazing Peson and she is in her early twenties Lol

Says a hell of a lot about the British Education system

The brains of youth!


Rikki you also forgot to add if the post content doesn’t match your impecible standards it gets banned aswell. :imp: :imp:

Nah, not quite Gremmie. If you can’t be bothered to post within the rules, THEN it gets banned.

Nah not quite Simon, you see i got sanctioned because I started a new thread inviting people into conversation on what ever subject they wanted. But the resident “Stasi” officer well that just displeased him …

I got Pre moded just because I started the thread not for the baiting. Just setting the record straight.


Rule 8 PM’s and E-Mails sent through this site are subject to the same rules as everything else. We don’t however have access to them so if you have concerns we will not know until you contact an Admin. If you abuse the Messaging systems, we will suspend your right to use them. PM’s and Emails are private between users and must remain so.

Text speak however is banned :wink:

vats so unfair, y cnt we use txt spk on here, im sure mst ppl cud undrstnd wt v person is tryin 2say!!! :laughing:

ppl use WTF, IIRC, AFAIK TBF, MMTM etc etc on here isnt vat txt spk!!! :confused: :laughing:


Just got a mobile that spells automatically as you type out your text - yipeee :smiley: ( job sorted ), or so I thought :sunglasses: , so sent a couple of text, out only to find on rereading the sent messages the text had it’s own ideas & had infact respelt & reworded at will :open_mouth: . Needless to say the recievers of the the text were quite confussed & phoned me back :blush: :blush: , them already haveing come to the conclusion that I must have a ‘different phone’ :blush: , so I will just have to keep trying to spell better :neutral_face: , need to find the dictionary again :unamused: :wink:

bonnie lass:
Just got a mobile that spells automatically as you type out your text - yipeee :smiley: ( job sorted ), or so I thought :sunglasses: , so sent a couple of text, out only to find on rereading the sent messages the text had it’s own ideas & had infact respelt & reworded at will :open_mouth: . Needless to say the recievers of the the text were quite confussed & phoned me back :blush: :blush: , them already haveing come to the conclusion that I must have a ‘different phone’ :blush: , so I will just have to keep trying to spell better :neutral_face: , need to find the dictionary again :unamused: :wink:

I hate predictive text, it infuriates me trying to write what I want to write.

Wheel Nut:

bonnie lass:
Just got a mobile that spells automatically as you type out your text - yipeee :smiley: ( job sorted ), or so I thought :sunglasses: , so sent a couple of text, out only to find on rereading the sent messages the text had it’s own ideas & had infact respelt & reworded at will :open_mouth: . Needless to say the recievers of the the text were quite confussed & phoned me back :blush: :blush: , them already haveing come to the conclusion that I must have a ‘different phone’ :blush: , so I will just have to keep trying to spell better :neutral_face: , need to find the dictionary again :unamused: :wink:

I hate predictive text, it infuriates me trying to write what I want to write.

Yes I hate the predictive text on mobile phones & always had managed to find someone to remove it for me in the past :smiley: . The mobile I have now is a very update one & it spells a choice of highlited ‘full’ words in a box underneath the line you are typing your text in which does help get the spelling corect :wink: , but unfortunately it still managed to alter the words itself as the message was sent :unamused: , I only pressed the sent arrow :confused:

I don’t have too much of a problem with spelling mistakes; if anything it adds a bit of humanity to the posted word. I don’t care much for text-speak though, especially the ubiquitous “lol” which seems to be everywhere.

What does get my goat is dirty great chunks of text with no paragraph spacing, and failure to at least use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and a full stop/exclamation mark/question mark, whichever’s appropriate, at the end. I find that I tend to have to re-read such postings a few times to ensure I haven’t missed something.

Agree with others about predictive text; to be honest I don’t care much for texting anyway, sooner speak to the person concerned.