My Diary of my First Day Ever in a Big One


It was huge, bigger than what I trained in.

Would you have felt more comfortable if you had trained with a 45 foot trailer :question: :question:

IMHO, all Class one training should be done with a 45’ trailer with some weight on it so there are no surprises when you actually go out on the road.

i agree with the weight side of it, it is so different getting in one that is loaded after being in one that is empty,.

but i dont agree with the length thing. it isnt that hard to get used to it, especially if you have a bit of experience on teh rigids under your belt. how many rigids are the same length?

nice pics mate unforturnate you get a man with the crappest autobox on the market :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: but keep going your be fine :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

cracking diary gibsla, i work at that waitrose on agency and found them bays so bloody tight, if you watch some of the waitrose drivers they get it right nearly every time. My nerves were jangling a bit for a couple of shifts but i’m ok now.
You sound like you have the right attitude which amounts to being conscientious and professional, nice one mate. :wink:

sorry bloke got me sla mixed up

I liked your comment about the 2 hours that just flew by.
They will get longer and longer and longer.
You will become cantancerous, you’ll get a twisted sense of humour and at that point you will be able to call yourself a professional driver.
:laughing: :laughing: Well done and good luck :laughing: :laughing:

cracking diary gibsla, i work at that waitrose on agency and found them bays so bloody tight, if you watch some of the waitrose drivers they get it right nearly every time. My nerves were jangling a bit for a couple of shifts but i’m ok now.
You sound like you have the right attitude which amounts to being conscientious and professional, nice one mate. :wink:

cheers lulu,

i am getting better at the reversing thing but would still prefer to just drive forwards! :laughing: :laughing:

i am conscientious and proffesional in nearly all the things i do, especially when it comes down to work, there is nothing worse than someone that is bone idle at work, you just end up carrying them. i like to do the best that i can do (and i dont mean that big headed but it sounds like it :blush: ) at anything i try. i will not be beaten by all this and will get practice on the wagons to prove myself as a competant driver, even if i have to “lend” myself to a company for a few days without pay, to get experience and so they can see what i am like.

I will get there in the end, if it is in one piece with no damage all the better!!

keep em rolling people

:smiley: Hi Giblsa, Looks like you’re doing just fine mate. :wink:

Remember this and i hope it helps when you are reversing AND going forwards:

Tandems pivot from the rear axle. This is why they cut in so much on sharp turns (driving forwards) because the pivot point is further back than on a
Tri-axle… which pivots from the centre axle. So yes, there’s lots of “overhang” as it were, because everything rearwards of the hub of the centre axle is overhang.

This is why tri’s follow much better & don’t cut in so much (driving forwards) AND why you must be careful about “Tail swing” on them when turning sharply.
Again, everything rearwards of the hub of the centre axle will swing out in the opposite direction.

On a quiet services or other large area, pull up close to and parallel with a white line to your right. Now swing it hard left. Get out & go have a look how much the rear of the trailer has swung out over the line. You will be suprised.
Remember to keep that far away from walls/other trailers etc. if your going to screw round hard.

Next (with an empty or light trailer) screw it round on full lock to your right as if doing a 180* u-turn. Watch the trailer wheels from your drivers window, you will clearly see it pivoting from the centre axle whilst dragging the front axle sideways & pushing axle 3 away.
Try not to do this more than necessary in day to day work as it scrubs tyres off for fun, puts great strain on the wheel bearings, and with a heavy trailer on a very hot day you could literally rip the tarmac road up!
Infact some companies ban it in their yards, whilst some supermarkets positively encourage it in their tight store yards!
Its a good idea to check for airlines hooked up on curtain ratchet handles after!

Also, remember to watch for the increased head board swing out on tri’s, especially one’s with deep pins like fridges. (Its almost non existent on tandems).

The air suspension will take care of distributing the weight between the wheels (not axles, we have independant suspension nowadays!) on uneven ground.

You will become cantancerous, you’ll get a twisted sense of humour and at that point you will be able to call yourself a professional driver.
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Im looking forward to when that happens to me :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Great post/thread. :smiley:
How do you feel 3 months down the line? :sunglasses:

ok actually,

since then i have had quite a few runs in the artics, one for co-op which i thouroughly enjoyed as it was a very very steep learning curve and a long run up to glasgow. havent had any major snags yet, not a single bump yet either so its looking good.

i am quite confident now in an artic, i will have a go at getting it in anywhere, it might take me a while but i will try my hardest to get it in without any damage to anything. i have had some excellent advice, both on here and in the situations i have been in and it is all stored for future reference.

i have just been offered a full time job on the artics when i leave the navy, as the company i work for on weekends has just won a contract to run 4 artics for some company (dont know the name or what carrying) and they need 4 drivers so it is looking rosy in my garden at the moment. plus the company i work for try to get me out as much as possible when they can. (i think they like my work ethic of try to get it done legally and safely if its on time all the better with the minimum of fuss),

everyday i go out is still a training day for me and i do try to drive it like i have been taught on my test, sometimes the situation does warrant a bit of a diversion from the rules but not to an unsafe level (as every one knows)


everyday i go out is still a training day for me and i do try to drive it like i have been taught on my test, sometimes the situation does warrant a bit of a diversion from the rules but not to an unsafe level (as every one knows)

Keep that attitude and you’ll do well mate.
Good luck with the job on offer. :slight_smile:

alfa man:

everyday i go out is still a training day for me and i do try to drive it like i have been taught on my test, sometimes the situation does warrant a bit of a diversion from the rules but not to an unsafe level (as every one knows)

Keep that attitude and you’ll do well mate.
Good luck with the job on offer. :slight_smile:

Agreed in principle & the attitude is sound, it suggests always sticking to speed limits: Many here loathe wagons sitting at 40 on a national/single-carriageway trunk …a huge bone of contention that one or two despise with a coffee wave…

Happy Keith:

alfa man:

everyday i go out is still a training day for me and i do try to drive it like i have been taught on my test, sometimes the situation does warrant a bit of a diversion from the rules but not to an unsafe level (as every one knows)

Keep that attitude and you’ll do well mate.
Good luck with the job on offer. :slight_smile:

Agreed in principle & the attitude is sound, it suggests always sticking to speed limits: Many here loathe wagons sitting at 40 on a national/single-carriageway trunk …a huge bone of contention that one or two despise with a coffee wave…

cheers for that fella’s,

my attitude to people that get irate if someone is sticking to the speed limit is this. if you dont like it go round me, i will slow down and try to help youpast if i can but i dont ask you to break the law by going over your hours so dont expect me to break the law by going over the speed limit! i know limits are from days of old (most of themanyway) but they are still there!!!


i’ll let you know how i get on with the job