Multi username I.d.s

I wonder how it would be for all these alter egos (and trolls in general) if people simply stopped replying to them once their suspicions were aroused?

If that were to happen, I reckon that the ensuing (predictable) hullabaloo… wouldn’t ensue. :smiley:

:bulb: Things might settle quite quickly once we realise that it’s those taking the bait that allows the trolls to realise their goals.

Mans got a point

Dozy is a troll but its fun and he doesnt take it too seriously. I had contraflow down as one as well since he offered nothing productive to the forum unless he was making fun of someone. He could be witty and it was fun at first but he started to believe his own hype and turned into a ■■■■.

Then you have the likes of chester who was one of those trolls who is a sad person devoid of personality who can only get attention from being nasty from behind their keyboards and is best ignored because if they dont get a respopnse then they WILL just go away.



About time they done something, all the rubbish that’s getting posted by these pricks it’s plain pathetic

Yep, it’s kinda funny and entertaining in the first few posts, (albeit for all the wrong reasons, and not for those the poster intended) but after a while it develops into something between boring and a pain in the arse.
Just wondering what Rikki or Dave’s take on it is.

My take on it is one of wonderment.

You’re an experienced poster, so I’m guessing that you’ve noticed that this kind of thing is cyclical.

I wonder how it would be for all these alter egos (and trolls in general) if people simply stopped replying to them once their suspicions were aroused?

If that were to happen, I reckon that the ensuing (predictable) hullabaloo… wouldn’t ensue. :smiley:

:bulb: Things might settle quite quickly once we realise that it’s those taking the bait that allows the trolls to realise their goals.

I appreciate what your saying, but there are genuine people who give replies in good faith and ultimately these clowns are taking the ■■■■ out of them.
How about you name and shame these multi users that way we know who not to respond to wasting our time.

Hi robroy,

My take on it is one of wonderment.

You’re an experienced poster, so I’m guessing that you’ve noticed that this kind of thing is cyclical.

I wonder how it would be for all these alter egos (and trolls in general) if people simply stopped replying to them once their suspicions were aroused?

If that were to happen, I reckon that the ensuing (predictable) hullabaloo… wouldn’t ensue. :smiley:

:bulb: Things might settle quite quickly once we realise that it’s those taking the bait that allows the trolls to realise their goals.

I appreciate what your saying, but there are genuine people who give replies in good faith and ultimately these clowns are taking the ■■■■ out of them.
How about you name and shame these multi users that way we know who not to respond to wasting our time.

So the answer here is to give them one post, give them a genuine answer, if retardedness ensues then back out gracefully, don’t retort, don’t cry troll just leave it and walk away, it will have the same effect as Dave described above, they’ll get bored as no-ones biting and getting all het up so they’ll have nothing further to feed off of.

Too many here take it as a personal affront to their intelligence that the troll is attempting to get ‘one over’ on them, why? Is it really that important to come out on top in a forum thread argument? Ffs people c’mon.

I will admit to having more than 1 name but the other has been dormant fro a long time now although never posted rubbish on that account there were a number of reasons why I did this as several family member did post on here at the time & I didn’t want them to know it was me posting under a different name

Know some member do this some mods in the past have so they can be themselves rather than a mod etc


I appreciate what your saying, but there are genuine people who give replies in good faith and ultimately these clowns are taking the ■■■■ out of them.
How about you name and shame these multi users that way we know who not to respond to wasting our time.

So the answer here is to give them one post, give them a genuine answer, if retardedness ensues then back out gracefully, don’t retort, don’t cry troll just leave it and walk away, it will have the same effect as Dave described above, they’ll get bored as no-ones biting and getting all het up so they’ll have nothing further to feed off of.

Too many here take it as a personal affront to their intelligence that the troll is attempting to get ‘one over’ on them, why? Is it really that important to come out on top in a forum thread argument? Ffs people c’mon.

I still think you should name and shame these clowns.
Where’s Rowley and jakethesnake since this kicked off and a couple of others !!


Hi robroy,

My take on it is one of wonderment.

You’re an experienced poster, so I’m guessing that you’ve noticed that this kind of thing is cyclical.

I wonder how it would be for all these alter egos (and trolls in general) if people simply stopped replying to them once their suspicions were aroused?

If that were to happen, I reckon that the ensuing (predictable) hullabaloo… wouldn’t ensue. :smiley:

:bulb: Things might settle quite quickly once we realise that it’s those taking the bait that allows the trolls to realise their goals.

Nice sentiments but a conflct of interest I feel.

The technology immediately tells you this is a hoax and all you have to do do is simply attach a “possible troll” mark on their posts.

On the other hand trolls do generate traffic in the very short term which seems to be mods priority but unfortunately it is driving normal people out of here.

The decent gene pool is shrinking here monthly.


I appreciate what your saying, but there are genuine people who give replies in good faith and ultimately these clowns are taking the ■■■■ out of them.
How about you name and shame these multi users that way we know who not to respond to wasting our time.

So the answer here is to give them one post, give them a genuine answer, if retardedness ensues then back out gracefully, don’t retort, don’t cry troll just leave it and walk away, it will have the same effect as Dave described above, they’ll get bored as no-ones biting and getting all het up so they’ll have nothing further to feed off of.

Too many here take it as a personal affront to their intelligence that the troll is attempting to get ‘one over’ on them, why? Is it really that important to come out on top in a forum thread argument? Ffs people c’mon.

I agree with what your saying but I think, with respect, that the idea they will go away is a little utopian.
It’s the divisive multiple log in ones that can ruin topics that the mods need to take action on, the obvious ones like that clown and his van are actually quite entertaining because they are so clearly idiots and the responses they get are usually a funny read as the troll ends up getting so wound up.
Why you would want to troll a load of truck drivers is beyond me, mumsnet, a politics site or some cycling forum etc I get as the “trigger” threshold is easier and more available.

Nice sentiments but a conflct of interest I feel.

I can assure you (though you won’t believe me, so I wonder why I’m even wasting my time) there is absolutely no conflict of interest on my part.

The technology immediately tells you this is a hoax and all you have to do do is simply attach a “possible troll” mark on their posts.

As far as I’m aware that’s not even possible with PHPBB3 forums, if however it is and you know something the site owners and managers should know then make a topic about it in the feedback forum.
If however you’re suggesting that I read every post of every member in every thread just to manually attach a “possible troll” mark (something that you guys seem to think you spot a mile off anyway) then you need to remember that I (we) do this in our (very valuable) free time.

You can always use an already existing forum feature to bring trolling, multiple usernames or other unwarranted behaviour to our attention and help us find and target these infractions by using the report a post feature, help us to help you, it’s your forum too!

On the other hand trolls do generate traffic in the very short term which seems to be mods priority but unfortunately it is driving normal people out of here.

I’m sorry but this conspiracy theory is right up there with chemtrails and fake moon landings, I will state it as clearly and concisely as I can for you… I don’t give a flying [zb] about traffic, hits, clicks or ad revenue with regards to TNet, I gain nothing at all from Tnet, remember I and all the other moderators are volunteers, we do this to give something BACK to the community we’ve been a member of and benefited from (knowledge wise) for many years, but sure yeah we’re the bad guys if that’s what floats your particular soapbox.

The decent gene pool is shrinking here monthly.

It’s nothing to do with I.Q.'s, genetics or anything else remotely Darwinian, it’s down to the quality of posts, and that’s on you!.. ALL of you… Only you lot can improve the topics and threads and discussions here because newsflash all of you are the one’s supplying the content, so if it’s bad step up your [zb]ing game and help make it better!

… Nice sentiments but a conflct of interest I feel.

On the other hand trolls do generate traffic in the very short term which seems to be mods priority but unfortunately it is driving normal people out of here.

Now my wonderment is accelerated…

I’m on the record as having posted several posts (and again below :wink: ) in which I ask people not to respond to those who they think are trolls, so according to your logic, I’m due a call into the boss’ office soon :exclamation:

How exactly is it a conflict of interests?

On what actual evidence would this seem “to be mods priority” ?

:bulb: The thing that might be driving people out of here is the ensuing hoo-ha and petty name-calling when people fall out over what they think are trolls.

I’ll say (again :unamused: ) for anybody possessing the required number of brain cells to comprehend a simple and polite request…

PLEASE DON’T respond to what you think is a troll post, use the report button as shown by Reef above and let us look into it.

@ Reef: Thanks for the pic!! :smiley:

PLEASE DON’T respond to what you think is a troll post, use the report button as shown by Reef above and let us look into it.

So can we have an adult conversation around members who the consensus of a majority feel are , outspoken , but contributing to the wealth of this community.

Or. We keep having to put up with, identified by and in the words of your organization’s appointed moderators. MULTIPLE IDENTITIES.
You seem to know this situation is going on, only to allow it to proliferate? Why? 30 pieces?



PLEASE DON’T respond to what you think is a troll post, use the report button as shown by Reef above and let us look into it.

So can we have an adult conversation around members who the consensus of a majority feel are , outspoken , but contributing to the wealth of this community.

Or. We keep having to put up with, identified by and in the words of your organization’s appointed moderators. MULTIPLE IDENTITIES.
You seem to know this situation is going on, only to allow it to proliferate? Why? 30 pieces?


Hi AndieHyde,

There’s not really that much to discuss because the forum rules allow for multiple IDs.

As for proliferation, yes that happens now and again due to a minority of disruptive people who don’t seem to agree with TN’s ethos.

That’s their problem though, because we then point them at other social media whose management don’t seem to mind their posting style (antics,) then everybody can get along nicely.

TN’s management style is as per the owner’s (DVV Media International) requirements, so that’s what we stick to.

Punchy Dan:
Ok I’am a bit slow ,I’ve asked on the said thread ?

I have wondered for years, part of the reason I don’t use the forums as much, its just repetitive, unlike the days of Neil and Rob K who were comical in there own various guises.

Wheel Nut:

Punchy Dan:
Ok I’am a bit slow ,I’ve asked on the said thread ?

I have wondered for years, part of the reason I don’t use the forums as much, its just repetitive, unlike the days of Neil and Rob K who were comical in there own various guises.

Yes when super trucker robk had to ask for the best route through Kendal or when he took the bus shelter out , hilarious

I think this forum has become very sad indeed.

When I joined a few years back, you could learn a lot on here and have a laugh too. Sadly this place is now infested with idiots and the multi id thing is just tiresome.

Seems to me that it’s just simply advertising that is the priority and the quality of content is at best, dire. I’ve gained a few mates off here and had a laugh so it’s not been a wasted enterprise, but it’s become embarrassing on here in my view.

Good luck & best wishes to the good posters on here, stay safe all & cheerio.

I think this forum has become very sad indeed.

When I joined a few years back, you could learn a lot on here and have a laugh too. Sadly this place is now infested with idiots and the multi id thing is just tiresome.

Seems to me that it’s just simply advertising that is the priority and the quality of content is at best, dire. I’ve gained a few mates off here and had a laugh so it’s not been a wasted enterprise, but it’s become embarrassing on here in my view.

Good luck & best wishes to the good posters on here, stay safe all & cheerio.

One cannot simply bid goodbye and leave my friend. No exit is complete without a world class flounce. I’m a trifle disappointed tbh. :wink:


+1 to the above.
unless your just looking to see who gives a toss,then either a grand debate on a friday night so we can all follow it till the mods look in on a monday morning,followed by a big flounce before the ban,or its one of the other options.

why dont you pick a fight with ukjakedrdamontramprowleydickypricky and we can all get some enjoyment from his posts for once…who knows,you might take him out with theres always a plus side. :laughing: