Msa zebra crossings

Does the crossing in question have flashing beacons at either side? If not I believe it is not classed as a proper crossing but any decent driver would treat it as one. Would they not?

Drove past Cobham services for the first time in about a year last night, and noticed that in the car park now - you can’t actually see any cars for trucks parked all over the place! (02:00hrs)

I remember the zebra crossing there, near the washing machines… Traffic would only stop if you caught their eye, as everyone seems to be in a hurry to get out of the place.

Some do not seem to clued up about zebra crossings .As I said they must have belisha beacons before they can be considered a legal crossing.
And yes on a proper crossing as soon as a pedestrian steps foot onto the crossing you are required by law to stop.
Any decent professional driver would stop if pedestrians were waiting but from what I see most are in to much of a hurry these days.
Last but not least us professionals know Pedestrians have right of way in most situations.