MS WIndows Vista - your opinions?

i think its great no problems at all

Oh and you need a lot of ram for it to run sweet but ram is cheap enough so there’s 4 gig in my laptop, and a duel core cpu helps it along.

Theres no point in having more than 4 gig unless you are running a 64 bit version which is really only any good if your running a server.

I have heard quite a lot of stories about Vista personally I am still on XP because I do a lot of gaming I have been told that disabling the UAc can make things go a little bit sweeter on Vista, Im hoping to be buying a new system soon which will probably have Vista on it.

I just hope that running the games I run they can be run on it !!!..

the early version was a bit iffy… but same as anything new…there come improvements…
said it before, and i’ll say it again…
the latest vista rocks…
good bye xp…

Steaming pile of cack. But then I would say that, wouldn’t I?

I have used it once or twice when trying to sort other folk’s computers. Too many nag boxes and fancy graphics instead of something that does what it says on the tin.

I like an OS to be like my vehicles, basic and easy to fix and no fancy gizmos to go wrong. Oh yes and free too. :stuck_out_tongue:

i have only had it since last week. my biggest problem is the fact that it is not compatible with my existing software on my desktop (which is XP) which reboots randomly. end result is i have XP pro with all the programs i need on a pc that is unreliable and i have a laptop which is reliable but doesnt have the programs i need :unamused:

I like an OS to be like my vehicles, basic and easy to fix and no fancy gizmos to go wrong. Oh yes and free too. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve got DOS 6.22 if your interested. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Steering clear of Vista until the 1st service pack is out.
By then all you guinea pigs will have found the majority of bugs that Microsoft couldn’t be bothered looking for themselves. :wink:

had to get a new computer about 3 months ago (my grandaughter blew my old one up) both lap tops the old one which was unrepairable had xp the new one has vistar which i find slow i would go back if i could don’t know enough about computing to alter things even if it could be done, thanks harry long retired.

I’ve been using Vista for a year now and I rate it as an os. I don’t get any problems with it so I’m happy.