Motorway Service Stations

simon. in a perfect world i would never stop at an msa. Last week I had to stop at Strensham services. yes i did know where there were layby;s in the area but in my job a shower at the end of the day is fairly essential. my truck is full of food… In a layby i could have made myself a lovely pasta meal of a chinese with noodles or rice any any combination of things. But… i knew where my time would run out., and i knew i must run my maximum time to make my drop the next. day. Needs must. Do not assume we do not know what we are doing. If all your days run so perfectly that you know exactly whats going to happen I want to be on the same roads!!! :unamused:

Wheel Nut:
I have never used my truck as a restaurant in 30 years. I want somewhere to park where I can get reasonable food at reasonable prices.

So my choice is: I dont carry lots of food and cooking equipment in my truck. After 15 hours plus I am not going to start cooking and washing up in a tin box.

I just want to be treated like I am treated in other countries :sunglasses:

When I tip in West Brom tomorrow, I dont know my next destination, so a cab full of food would go to waste if I am booked on the night ferry :stuck_out_tongue:

Supply and demand then isnt it YOU want it THEY are gonna make you pay for it and until you make a stand about it THEY are gonna keep doing it :unamused: :unamused: I know i would :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue:

At the end of the day the MSA’s don’t want trucks. If the truck park holds 50 trucks then the same amount of space would hold nearly 200 cars, so instead of 50 potential customers they have a minimum of 200, far more if the cars have more then one passenger. Also, the cars are carrying people much more likely to spend money then the average truck driver. As a result, whatever we do as drivers we are on a hiding to nothing. All I can see that we do is use the showers/toilets and dont spend any money, they still have to clear up after us and we havent spent any money with them, so your visit will actually cost them money.

At the end of the day the MSA’s don’t want trucks. If the truck park holds 50 trucks then the same amount of space would hold nearly 200 cars, so instead of 50 potential customers they have a minimum of 200, far more if the cars have more then one passenger. Also, the cars are carrying people much more likely to spend money then the average truck driver. As a result, whatever we do as drivers we are on a hiding to nothing. All I can see that we do is use the showers/toilets and dont spend any money, they still have to clear up after us and we havent spent any money with them, so your visit will actually cost them money.

So whats the problem then you get to park have a shower use a toilet then sleep in your bed what more do you need :unamused: :unamused: better than a layby if you ask me