Moto vouchers


When/ did it all start going wrong

I don’t…

Think The Wild Bean free coffee with stamps fiasco helped. Literally every driver walking through the door with full cards. I’ve never seen so many arguments.

And all for libations that generally…exclusively bear little resemblance to any notion of decent coffee.Shiny beans = oxidised.palate insulting ditchwater but feeds readily into the ‘getting something for nothing’ shinola of it all ?

Not that they would care but I’ve not got a drop of diesel from any Moto site since they stopped doing the vouchers, I used to make sure I only used Moto but approx 1000l a week now goes to Shell garages when I can as I have the app or bunker sites. J38 truckstop always gets a visit as it’s a free coffee with fuel. I know quite a few drivers that have done the same, so maybe more drivers have boycotted it than they thought would and it’s been reflected in the diesel sales hence the pathetic attempt to entice them back


The gas man:
Now don’t be going crazy now Moto /BP it’s not as if your hard up for the money, suppose every little bit for the driver is a v v small win

Just had to be a black dude didn’t it?

Better than a bloke with ■■■■ and a rainbow in the background as per the current bandwagon



The gas man:
Now don’t be going crazy now Moto /BP it’s not as if your hard up for the money, suppose every little bit for the driver is a v v small win

Just had to be a black dude didn’t it?

Better than a bloke with ■■■■ and a rainbow in the background as per the current bandwagon

True but both options are full-on from the Cultural-Marxist handbook that shows zero signs of abating.Seen the new Tesco tv ad ? All bases covered :smiling_imp:



The gas man:
Now don’t be going crazy now Moto /BP it’s not as if your hard up for the money, suppose every little bit for the driver is a v v small win

Just had to be a black dude didn’t it?

Better than a bloke with ■■■■ and a rainbow in the background as per the current bandwagon

You forgot to mention that he is gay as well.



The gas man:
Now don’t be going crazy now Moto /BP it’s not as if your hard up for the money, suppose every little bit for the driver is a v v small win

Just had to be a black dude didn’t it?

Better than a bloke with ■■■■ and a rainbow in the background as per the current bandwagon

Every couple in the UK are mixed race relationships according to tv ad land, and if they ain’t mixed race they are gay…or even gay mixed race.
Never see a white couple or a black couple…wtf are they trying to prove exactly? :unamused:

If I had been the black lad on the add, I would be insulted, and tell them to go and ■■■■ themselves…just used as tokenism. :unamused:
Somebody should send MOTO a link to this forum thread, to show them we ain’t easily fooled or won over

I happened to be with a black ‘magic’ woman while in the US, looked gorgeous laying naked on white sheets

I happened to be with a black ‘magic’ woman while in the US, looked gorgeous laying naked on white sheets

I’m colour blind when its beaver time.Candice Owens and Whitney Houston grade ebonies have sadly eluded me.My first horn awakenings involved Floella Benjamin of play-school fame i fondly recall :slight_smile:

the maoster:
As I said at the time that they withdrew the vouchers I would never fill up at one of their sites again. I still refuse to do so. I “only” put around 500litres per week in on BP so me taking my custom elsewhere is hardly earth shattering, but imagine if a thousand, two thousand, three thousand of us did the same!

I stopped filling up at Moto in protest when the previous scheme finished.
Shallow thing that I am, I’ll start using Moto again now this scaled-back offer is on - mainly because the Moto sites are most convenient for yours truly :slight_smile:

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I happened to be with a black ‘magic’ woman while in the US, looked gorgeous laying naked on white sheets

(warming to the theme) imagine being the meat in this sandwich ? :stuck_out_tongue: … BkZWdyZWVz


I happened to be with a black ‘magic’ woman while in the US, looked gorgeous laying naked on white sheets

(warming to the theme) imagine being the meat in this sandwich ? :stuck_out_tongue: … BkZWdyZWVz

I didn’t have you down as a racist mysogenist.

But then again, there are still a fair few blokes around here, straight from the 50’s to 70’s…

the nodding donkey:


I happened to be with a black ‘magic’ woman while in the US, looked gorgeous laying naked on white sheets

(warming to the theme) imagine being the meat in this sandwich ? :stuck_out_tongue: … BkZWdyZWVz

I didn’t have you down as a racist mysogenist.

But then again, there are still a fair few blokes around here, straight from the 50’s to 70’s…

No, but most definitely anti-Marxist/Masonic/corpocracy.The satanic construct driving-force,assiduously promulgating ‘racism’ while ‘paradoxically’ attempting to ginny it up wherever they can ?.Pure Frankfurt-School Talmudist textbook stuff. :smiling_imp:

the nodding donkey:


I happened to be with a black ‘magic’ woman while in the US, looked gorgeous laying naked on white sheets

(warming to the theme) imagine being the meat in this sandwich ? :stuck_out_tongue: … BkZWdyZWVz

I didn’t have you down as a racist mysogenist.

But then again, there are still a fair few blokes around here, straight from the 50’s to 70’s…

Jeez ND, I never had you down as a pc wokist. :open_mouth:
I ain’t got a scooby who manalishi is, but how is he either racist or misogynistic? :unamused:
He maybe has a penchant for black women, which is fine, and natural, we are blokes ffs, we all have our ‘‘type’’.

I have a life long thing for buxom white blonde women, and I freely admit that me in the very unlikely event of being a ‘sandwich filler’ between say Holly Willoughby and Laura Hamilton would deffo float my boat, so am I too a misogynist for saying that…and a ‘blondist’’ also…(maybe even a racist in your book due to the mention of being white? most natural blondes are.)

Dont know about you and your mates talk to each other about women, but none of us in the pub on a Sunday afternoon with a few pints on board , are ever heard saying…
‘Wow I’d love to have a meaningful relationship with a view to marriage with her’’
‘Look at the fashionable hairstyle on that’', :laughing: we are blokes ffs, so the language amongst us is more explicit.
Does that put us in the 50s and 70s bracket also…or are we just ‘normal stereotypical blokes’.

You can not say ■■■■ all about anything nowadays without being labelled as some kind of ‘‘ist’’ or being some kind of whatever ‘‘phobic’’.
Gets right on my ■■■■…sorry breastbone area. :unamused:

No, but most definitely anti-Marxist/Masonic/corpocracy.The satanic construct driving-force,assiduously promulgating ‘racism’ while ‘paradoxically’ attempting to ginny it up wherever they can ?.Pure Frankfurt-School Talmudist textbook stuff. :smiling_imp:

Eh? :neutral_face:
I have a decent academic and educational standard of English, but even I’m struggling with most of that.


No, but most definitely anti-Marxist/Masonic/corpocracy.The satanic construct driving-force,assiduously promulgating ‘racism’ while ‘paradoxically’ attempting to ginny it up wherever they can ?.Pure Frankfurt-School Talmudist textbook stuff. :smiling_imp:

Eh? :neutral_face:
I have a decent academic and educational standard of English, but even I’m struggling with most of that.

Basically, he found some letters of the alphabet and sneezed


No, but most definitely anti-Marxist/Masonic/corpocracy.The satanic construct driving-force,assiduously promulgating ‘racism’ while ‘paradoxically’ attempting to ginny it up wherever they can ?.Pure Frankfurt-School Talmudist textbook stuff. :smiling_imp:

Eh? :neutral_face:
I have a decent academic and educational standard of English, but even I’m struggling with most of that.

Next will be frequent references to Cabals, Great Resets and how we’re all sheeple blindly following the MSM.