Moron logistics

Another glowing example of professionalism.

It’s about time licences start being revoked for bridge strikes. Happening every day lately, been one today in Warrington.

Shouldn’t have been on that road with its 17t weight limit except for access.
Seen a few wagons stopped by the bridge trying to turn round on my way to the in laws.Low bridge signs on both ends of the road so he can’t say he wasn’t warned.

I’m assuming the driver thought he was driving a normal run of the mill fridge but in fact the driver had one of those high cubed ( but not a DD ) jobbies behind.


tango boy:
Agency :sunglasses:

I thought Moran was just purley an agency that supplied it’s only units and trailers… Think I read that on here somewhere

Just because you read it on here, doesn’t mean it’s true!

Just because you read it on here, doesn’t mean it’s true!

What ! I don`t believe it.


Just because you read it on here, doesn’t mean it’s true!

What ! I don`t believe it.

Believe it brother