More newbe questions

Any advise on giving myself the best chance possible of getting everything i’ve payed for would be much appreciated!?

Yes darkseeker, now that you’re in this situation I think it’s best to sort facts from myth first.

  1. The “driver” CPC has no connection with the “operator” CPC. They are completely separate qualifications.
  2. Since the driver CPC isn’t yet finalised, it’s the operator CPC that’s being discussed here.
  3. There is absolutely NO requirement for an employed driver to hold a Nat. CPC.
  4. The exams for Nat. CPC are held on only four dates per year, so some pre-planning is required.
  5. There are also extra fees for late bookings.

The operator CPC is the same degree of difficulty as an “A” level or an NVQ3. The national CPC exam consists of three modules, and you must pass all three to gain the certificate. Two of these modules have mulit-choice exams, whilst the third one is called a “case study,” and requires short written answers on subjects taken from the whole of the course.

I entirely agree with this from burnie1:

The only thing you can do to improve your chances of passing the CPC is to actualy attend a course … My experiance with CPC homestudy packs is that the pass rates are very very low.

However, I’d advise that some people are suited to doing homestudy. I’d say it depends on a couple of things, such as whether you are used to the self-discipline required for homestudy at this level, and your own home circumstances. Homestudy is possibly not for you if you have small children, a busy social life or you work long hours on a rotating shift system.

Is the Transport industry not just full of cowboys!!! :smiling_imp:

That’s an excellent question burnie1, and one which has a straightforward answer. IMHO, any prospective candidate ought to be asking the right kind of questions before parting with their hard earned cash. The obvious question has to be “is this combination of qualifications a legal requirement?” Other questions include things like “do you actually provide the training” followed by “what’s involved,” and maybe asking to go along to a “CPC taster day,” that many providers offer so that you can actually meet the tutor and experience a “taster” of what to expect.

Although morally objectionable, what these organisations are doing isn’t actually illegal.
It seems to me that they’re making an offer of combining some separate qualifications and placing conditions as to what order a candidate takes them, so Caveat emptor. :wink:

If you CLICK THIS LINK It will take you to my post on CPC stuff, where you can click another link called “National CPC stuff.” That link takes you to the website of the examining body. (OCR.) A CPC course is all about taking notice of written instructions, so I’d advise you to read very carefully and take the stuff at face value without interpreting it. :wink:
By all means, come back and ask a question. :smiley:

I wish you luck and hope this helps. :smiley:

thanks again dieseldave, Right rubs hands together

basicly I want to sort myself out and not lose any more money than needs be!

By the looks of things, relevent or not, I’m very unlikely to get through the cpc course in time and so very unlikely to get this so called free artic course.

Soo, I ask myself how am I going to sort this out? Well, I’ve already payed for everything and I’m very likely to come out with just the class 2 even if I go along with their “game” and try to get through the cpc. So I started thinking if it looks like that’s going to happen I’m looking at another 800-1000 for an artic course. But I happened to notice this morning that stirling do both courses with no special offers etc for 1749 (500 more than I’ve payed sofar) do you guys think it would be worth asking to change to that course or not? I feel it’s not great giving them more money but would probably be quicker and cheaper than “playing their game” :confused:

thanks again dieseldave, Right rubs hands together

basicly I want to sort myself out and not lose any more money than needs be!

By the looks of things, relevent or not, I’m very unlikely to get through the cpc course in time and so very unlikely to get this so called free artic course

This might depend on the terms and conditions attached to the offer that you’ve accepted.
How long did they give you??
When did all this begin?? (The effective start date.)

The reason that I’m asking this is that most CPC providers use about 10 days worth of classroom time to deliver Nat. CPC.

I feel that this organisation might be relying on the fact that you’ll struggle with homestudy and therefore disqualify yourself from their free artic course. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could achieve your Nat CPC within their time limit. :smiley:

TIP: Part of where they might expect you to fall down is in learning the stuff, then missing the deadline for booking the exams. IN ANY CASE, you’d have to attend an approved exam center to actually sit the exams, so if you went there for lessons as well, who’d know :question: :wink:

yep, it would be nice mate but I was hoping this wasn’t going to take ages.

I’ve got until november but I think it might be a “where funding is available” clause too :frowning: