More fellow "professionals"

Ian G:

Rob K:
Rubbish. Please don’t make stuff up.


I must be talking [zb] then, but that’s how I always used to do it and I was taught it was a bad habit when not in a car :blush:

Curious as to how many drivers would stay out and have cars attempting to pass NS as they’re due to leave.

In fact, 187 does ask that you look out for people in the NS lanes staying on. They’d not be there if it was always appropriate to stay OS.

I once “failed an assessment” because I went around a roundabout with a 2 o’clock exit right around the middle (right hand side lane). I didn’t start to move left until I’d passed the 12 o’clock exit, but I was by then being left-abreasted and matched for speed by another wagon wanting the same exit, but using the middle lane to do it. There was no exit beyond 2’ btw, just back the way I came. I of course had to go right around again as I had nowhere else to go. Personally, I would argue I got carved up, but assessor told me that I should have done it the way the other guy did in the first place…
Take the left of 3 lanes approaching roundabout, start getting into MIDDLE lane halfway around, before 12’ exit. get into EXIT position on left lane again once past 12’ to exit at 2’.
So if this guy is right, and I’ve been wrong all these years, then I’m gonna have to swap my accident-free system of driving for something … Better?
I reckon I’m on a hiding to nothing here. :blush: :unamused:

I think next time I might hog lanes 1 AND 2 so no bugger can come up my left side whilst I’m trying to move across halfway around… :imp: :exclamation:

im afraid in the first clip you are to blame for that adventure, and the whole keeping the power on until you came to within 4feet of the low loader and then slamming on is only agrrivating youself, or where you just not paying attention to what you where doing? either way your positioning was poor as your lorry would have seemed to be set up for the exit before the 1 you intended to take,

and as for the post above mentioning that you should stop to let out a similar vehicle on a roundabout is absolute madness, down right dangrous infact


Ian G:

Rob K:
Rubbish. Please don’t make stuff up.


I must be talking [zb] then, but that’s how I always used to do it and I was taught it was a bad habit when not in a car :blush:

Curious as to how many drivers would stay out and have cars attempting to pass NS as they’re due to leave.

In fact, 187 does ask that you look out for people in the NS lanes staying on. They’d not be there if it was always appropriate to stay OS.

I once “failed an assessment” because I went around a roundabout with a 2 o’clock exit right around the middle (right hand side lane). I didn’t start to move left until I’d passed the 12 o’clock exit, but I was by then being left-abreasted and matched for speed by another wagon wanting the same exit, but using the middle lane to do it. There was no exit beyond 2’ btw, just back the way I came. I of course had to go right around again as I had nowhere else to go. Personally, I would argue I got carved up, but assessor told me that I should have done it the way the other guy did in the first place…
Take the left of 3 lanes approaching roundabout, start getting into MIDDLE lane halfway around, before 12’ exit. get into EXIT position on left lane again once past 12’ to exit at 2’.
So if this guy is right, and I’ve been wrong all these years, then I’m gonna have to swap my accident-free system of driving for something … Better?
I reckon I’m on a hiding to nothing here. :blush: :unamused:

I think next time I might hog lanes 1 AND 2 so no bugger can come up my left side whilst I’m trying to move across halfway around… :imp: :exclamation:

WTF?! :open_mouth: :confused: :confused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: I’ve never heard anything as ridiculous in my entire life. Just out of interest how many exits were there, not including the one you came from?

…and as for the post above mentioning that you should stop to let out a similar vehicle on a roundabout is absolute madness, down right dangrous infact

I don’t think anybody suggested stopping on a roundabout to let another lorry out; there’s a big difference between stopping and slowing down a touch to make someone else’s life that little bit easier.

Pat Hasler:

Don’t see any indicators in the 1st clip that would prompt the op to flash him out!

What indicators are needed to let a fellow driver know you want to pull out of a roundabout ? if it were the left indicator it wouldn’t be seen anyway ! It’s obvious to anyone with an ounce of inteligence that the driver needed to enter the roundabout … or do you think he wanted to stay there for a couple of hours ?

Whoops!..That should read ‘2nd clip’ My bad. :blush:

The first clip. I would of let the lorry out like said as its a really horrid roundabout. I also would of positioned the same in the road to stop peopl coming round my near side and off side.

Most peopl in cars are idiots. Always use the roundabout to pass/ get In front of the lorry. ( which most of the time is always before several miles of dual■■?)

2nd clip, if i can help I try avoid busy dual cartridges for breaks especially if fully freighted. You can get let out then a poor sod further back can’t move to other lane ( because of selfish car/ van drivers!!) has to pull up behind a fully freighted lorry building his speed still at 20-30 mph. Both rubbish situations to be in.

I had this few month ago, I had to take avoiding action to save our lives!
But I suppose the “have to disagree,bored, know it alls” would say it was my fault! Lol. Bring it on :wink: ( I was almost stopped, had to swerve a little)

Take the left of 3 lanes approaching roundabout, start getting into MIDDLE lane halfway around, before 12’ exit. get into EXIT position on left lane again once past 12’ to exit at 2’.

What■■? That sort of behaviour is showing that you’re lost, or very indecisive! No-one following would have the foggiest what you were up to.

This bold bit is what I’m told I SHOULD have done. The bit above details what I actually did, and got failed on.

I was taught "If wishing to exit past 12 o’clock at a roundabout, regardless of the number of exits, you take the right hand lane entering the roundabout, passing around the nearest-to-centre lane, and only moving back left once you’ve past the 12 o’clock exit. That’s what I do. Straight on, and I’d take the centre lane. Taking 9 o’clock off, and I’d take the left lane. It ain’t rocket science ffs!

The assessor might as well have failed me for not buying him a coffee or something. I don’t think I’m being paranoid here to suggest I’d failed as soon as I showed up, with eye-raising arguments like the one in bold thrown in my face.

The exits were 9am, 11am, 2pm, and back the way you came.

Steve; I saw your clips earlier.

As you were working your way around that roundabout surely you were checking mirrors and everything else around you and could have been able to react to that truck pulling out. Surely you weren’t so blinkered that you ended up almost hitting the side of his trailer? Almost as if revenge for pulling out in front of you…

Then you post the video here, expecting, what? Support for your actions?

We can’t actually see what indicators you had on, lights you used or any of the comments as you have had audio stripped from the file…

You could very well have flashed that truck out on the roundabout and then pretended it was his fault, couldn’t you :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused:

This is water off a ducks back! Thought it was gona be summit good!

LOLS. i think the weekends hot sun has got to everybody :sunglasses: Its a good job there was’nt an accident or something cos the TNCSI TEAM would deffo be on overtime by now. Prob be on page 3 or 4 by now :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: