Monex- New Job.........YAY!

one other thing i should say is if you need advice about anything see mad mick he drives the 6 wheeler 24 tonner back and for to germany he will put you right and becareful what you say to one of the drivers he is James’s brother think he does all the spains allegedly :laughing:

The Dutchman was Mathijs and he has left.

one of the drivers he is James’s brother think he does all the spains allegedly :laughing:

One of the drivers is the brother of Chris and Glyn, both of whom work in the office. I never had a problem with him although some others did mainly because he gets all the new big motors, currently the 620. The perks of being the longest serving driver i guess.

No he doesn’t do all the runs to Spain, i had ample oppertunity to do Spain, but as i hate Spain and much prefer germany thats what i done. The runs to Spain are given to who is available at the time, as are all the others. Let them know what you prefer and they will try to keep you on that, but sometimes you will have to go elsewhere simply due to timings etc etc.

Send me to Spain pleeaase!!

Zb those krouts :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

See thread on strapping loads in Germany. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: