Mobile Use 'not linked' to accidents



Only a yank could come out with this absolute crap.
Anybody that believes that speaking on a mobile phone is not a distraction is seriously deluded.
It has been proved time and time again.
The ignorance or is it arrogance that makes people believe they are ok to use one?

If mobiles are the evil you say they are then as mobile use has increased many fold over the last 10 years there should be carnage on our roads…but deaths and serious injuries are falling or static, so there is no link. Anything will distract a driver if they let it

Someone will probably answer that with “lives are saved because there are so many mobiles that the emergency services are alerted that much earlier and get there quicker.”


Only a yank could come out with this absolute crap.

If you read the actual research it was done in conjuction with the London School of Economics. It was done by analysing accident rates prior to the 9pm cutoff time during the week and on the weekend in the USA where calls become free. There was no increase over the hour before the cutoff nor an increase on a weekend.

It isn’t using a mobile phone that causes problems rather it is inappropriate use of a mobile phone such as texting which is always bad regardless and making calls when driving in a built up area.

To those who think its absolute crap perhaps you’d care to explain why it is dangerous to do driving on a motorway with low levels of traffic. Explain why it would be dangerous to talk on your mobile phone as you go up the A1 on a night time when you’re the only vehicle in sight.

By far the safest vehicle out there has Nil, none, absolutely zero safety features except for a sharpened 6" spike in the centre of the steering wheel, pointed directly at the drivers throat.

Ford Capri. That steering wheel centre boss was going to hit you straight in the chest if you hit anything.


By far the safest vehicle out there has Nil, none, absolutely zero safety features except for a sharpened 6" spike in the centre of the steering wheel, pointed directly at the drivers throat.

Ford Capri. That steering wheel centre boss was going to hit you straight in the chest if you hit anything.

I’ve owned lots of Capri’s over the years but not necessarily in the order that they were made, I owned a Mk3 long before I ever owned a Mk1.

I remember the whole gear stick coming away in my hand when showing off to my future ex-missus, but I can’t remember which Mk it was?

I remember owning a Mk1 3.0l with Recaro seats, I remember it most 'cos it was a friggin fantastic period in my life so far.

Ford were consistent with their gearboxes.I remember showing off in the early 70s to a girl and the gear stick fell out of my Ford Popular 100E.

Was following someone the other day at a constant 140kph for sometime whilst they were on the phone and in my opinion their driving was spot on… Have also followed people doing 50 that are all over the place…

+1 , I could steer with just my knees and be better than a lot of people on the road, someone pointed it out earlier saying with all the air bags etc in cars nowadays people aren’t botherd about crashing as such , that’s why mammy and daddy’s buy there daughter a nice range rover to “keep them safe” and half the times it them causing the problems , coz I’m in a “range rover”