Mirrors knocked off A38 Burton upon Trent

But, more seriously, it could have been a fatal accident… there are too many layby’s which are far too narrow for trucks to park safely , whether it be for a 45 or an overnighter…( how many times have we read about fatal accidents where a truck has run into the back of another parked one ? ) …maybe a campaign similar to the fair fuel one would be worth looking into… get something done about them.

I witnessed an artic getting his mirrors getting knocked off on the A38 at Branston near Burton.
The artic was parked in the last lay-by before the Branston exit on the southbound side, I have got camera footage and reg numbers of both vehicles so if it was you that had you mirrors knocked off get in touch.

It was around 05:50 this morning.

Surely you’d fold them in if you were parked next to the carriageway :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Boomerang Dave:
Irony, you call them to report and incident and they tell you they’re not interested because nobody has reported an incident. :laughing:

Ain’t they the dogs!

Fat bloke is only a 3rd party report and no doubt his details would have been taken down. Should the driver call then they know where to get the evidence but they need the victim to report it for it to go ahead with any further investigation.

Good on you Fat bloke

Wait a minute■■? Tesco truck■■? Who is famous for ripping off mirrors on trucknet and now works for tesco■■?

Answers on a postcard :laughing: :laughing:

thats the funniest thing ive read today :grimacing:

Bing Bong DAF95XF to isle A38 please, spillage.

I do think that people should take responsibility for stuff like this but I do think consideration needs to be given to it being safe to do so. Reason I say this is I know of a case where someone stopped to swap details for smashing someone’s mirror head and the only place they could stop was on the carriageway and subsequently a people carrier ploughed into the back.

Mind you mirror collisions have got a lot dearer to fix since manufacturers replaced the clamped on steel tube type with the all in moulded plastic lump sort almost all manufacturers have now.

Bing Bong DAF95XF to isle A38 please, spillage.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

What is this, the trucknet vigilante group?

What is this, the trucknet vigilante group?

I wouldn’t call it “vigilante-ism”, more “MIS”, something I haven’t seen for a long time. :unamused:

Bing Bong DAF95XF to isle A38 please, spillage.

Don’t go that far :wink:

Boomerang Dave:
Are there any Tesco’s drivers? Seriously though… haven’t they all been hived off to Eddie’s or are there still some left?/quote]No they haven’t there’s plenty of them & tesco is looking for more! Most are down south & Livingston I think…

Cheers for the wake up call! I wouldn’t park in any of them lay by’s overnight as they’re too close to the road.

I’m surprised T didn’t stop though. He be getting the sack for that if he gets fingered. Suppose he couldn’t of stopped anyway but he could have gone back round.

Try tapping the injured party’s reg into google. Tried it with mine once and the company name and a picture of the truck came up