Mirror Mascots of the 70s & 80s -( Michelin Man & his mates)

Holland Duck- again not that common, a drivers club mascot run in conjunction with the Dutch Truckstar magazine.
The UK outlet was at Cardington / Elstow Storage Depot and I think closed down after a fire.

Not sure that it was anything to do with Truckstar,the magazine did’nt start until 1980.

Someone will no doubt correct me if I’m wrong,but I have a 5 year anniversary Truckstar banner from 1985 that was given out to attendants of the 1985 Truckstar Festival at Zandvoort.

But you’re right about them being at Cardington,visited their once,but never bought a mascot.

no one has mentioned the TIR plate , some cases closest they got to going over the water was woolich ferry

does any one int he uk knows the " tinus tussengas " mascot ■■

that was a guy sitting on a wheel with a steering wheel in his hand and with his thum up :laughing:

there was a question about a flipje mascot ?

flipje was a mascot of the betuwe jam factory (wrong spelling i think) , you know that red strawberry stuf on your sandwich :blush: :laughing: , it had nothing to do with trucks or transports , but from the mid 70s truck mascots from flipje were sold , original ones are sold these days for a hugh price, 100 euros or more…

the holland duck mascot had nothing to do with the truckstar magazine , there used to be a club called " the holland duck club" in holland , there was also a small version of the holland duck , called lucky joe

here a few more dutch mascots…
the BIFI kangaroo
the farmer on woodenshoes , this was the mascot of the dutch magazine for farming , called " de boerderij" translated - the farm

the orange kangaroo was the bifi mascot , bifi was a snack-company , the mascot next to the flipje mascot was called the truck-driver mascot , was also for sale in a small version , the mascot in the front with the blue pants is unknwn to me

a few mascot out of my own collection

the euro-duck

the small version of the TIR mascot , an imitation michelin man , they also made the large mascot , for sale in the late 80`s for about 25 HFL , 12 euro at this time

the classic bibendum (michelin) and flipje tiel

the new model michelin man

tinus tussengas mascot , sold in the early 80`s by the HI-DO company , HI-DO was a truck accesoires company , airhorns , toplights…

once more flipje tiel , never used this mascot , brand new :sunglasses:

the old version of the standing michelin man

a grille-plate , sold by the holland-duck club in the 80`s

the plate is mounted on an F88 grille

a small version of the michelin man

Thanks for the info Gert, there are some mascots in your picturesI that I have not seen before.


Gert,where did you get the ASG light-box?

I am looking for one to fit on my garage wall next to an Autotransit one that I have.


Gert,where did you get the ASG light-box?

I am looking for one to fit on my garage wall next to an Autotransit one that I have.


i bought it serveral years ago , in the mid 90s for about 150 HFL , its a new one en complete and in one piece :sunglasses:


Big Leggy:

Big Leggy:

There was the German ’ Brummie ’ ;fat geezer on wheels.

I think you’ll find that it was “Gummi” – You still see a lot of stickers of this character on German trailers !!

No one corrected me on saying “Gummi” when Brummi was correct !

The fat geezer on wheels was “Brummie”,usualy the plate on the back of the truck/trailer had the image with the message,“Fern schnell gut”

a close-up of a trailer from siku modells , they also used brummi in the early 80s for their toys , there were also small versions of brummi for sale , and brummis were kids could save their mony in , scale brummis on wheel , brummis to put on your carkeys , and pluche brummi to place on the rearmirror in your car

the truck-driver mascot

and another tinus tussengas macot again