
mat h26.jpg


mat h27.jpg



:smiley: :smiley:

:slight_smile: :laughing:

great photos cartran where did you get them from

Brilliant set of pictures Cartran: thanks for sharing 'em! Robert :smiley:

Hullo Cartrans,
Some really good pictures there, very interesting indeed. I was a sub Contracter for MAT for a few years in the early to late mid 70’s. When I was with them it was mostly 110 Scania’s, together with a few F88’s and an F89. They also had to buy a few Leyland Crusaders to keep the contract at Oxford for BMC Cars. In Hull where I was working from, there was also at the time an old Atkinson and an old Seddon and a Foden that were used to pull trailers off the docks, back to the Yard. There was also two Leyland Comet 4 Wheelers for delivering Groupage in the UK. There was also if I remember correctly in the Yard just before I left a Volvo F7 and a Scania 81 automatic. I also liked the pictures of those DAF’s, I remember those also from later on when I used to meet some of the Lads when transiting through France or Italy

:smiley: :smiley:

My first truck when I worked at mat zwijndrecht 1984.the f89. 96-01-tb. There is also a face book page of mat holland with plenty photos








:smiley: posting.php?mode=reply&f=35&t=28459#


