M6 Stafford Southbound Closure last night

I’m so pleased to be part of a society that allows one person’s actions to affect the lives of thousands of others in a negative manner.

So what do you want? A paper hat?

Think I’m getting the hang of this now.


I’m so pleased to be part of a society that allows one person’s actions to affect the lives of thousands of others in a negative manner.

So what do you want? A paper hat?

Think I’m getting the hang of this now.

Not quite. I was offering a different opinion from FredTheRed’s. You on the other hand were moaning about some nasty men that said something on a nasty radio about a crash, that upset you so much that you felt the need to remove your CB lest any more nastiness be broadcast into your truck. Then you went on to bemoan the decision you took to use the interwebs.

It was a comment, on a forum, shall we all just stop commenting? Or should we only comment if we want to be nasty and live up to the ignorant truck driver stereotype? Would that suit you better maybe?

What a lovely place this trucknet is…

My only point was have more compassion. No matter what happens during your day, any day you get to go home safe and sound to a loving family is a bloody good day, be it on time or hours late. Because so many lose that ability every day.

I agree with you…

People complain but I bet if it was their nearest and dearest up there then they would want it handled properly.
Ps I’m not all softly softly I dare say I would be annoyed stuck in the traffic but as Luke says you have to chill.

Unfortunately, ignorance and apathy seems to be the way with so many thing’s now, don’t know, don’t care. I truly hope, none of you are ever in a situation where something like this is happening to you or your’s.

DECENCY and RESPECT two things that are in very short supply nowadays. Eddie.

Paid by the hour mob seem to like holding folk up but hate it when someone holds them up :wink: :unamused: :grimacing:

People complain but I bet if it was their nearest and dearest up there then they would want it handled properly.

Exactly right.

It was a comment, on a forum, shall we all just stop commenting? Or should we only comment if we want to be nasty and live up to the ignorant truck driver stereotype? Would that suit you better maybe?

I expect better than that from you. Blaming the CB for what you heard on it? Come on.