M6 Accident yesterday j-16-17 north


I’ll leave the accident investigation to the police and not TNUK CSI

I agree, , but just to say, :wink: it does not necessarily mean the trucker is at fault, .(despite already being condemned to death by Judge Frangers QC…and despite the fact that humans were involved. :laughing: …sorry. :blush: )

Ok, he could may well have been tailgating, or on other hand the car driver’s fault after maybe a brake test :bulb: …after a bit of pre collision history.?
Who knows, as you say leave it to the accident investigation guys.

Ok let’s just leave it,

90 minutes…well done.

despite already being condemned to death by Judge Frangers QC.

Well no.
But as our Drama Queen in residence, keep it up, your outraged flouncing is in full keeping with the pantomime season.

I said

It appears it was not an accident.

“The lorry driver was arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving”
birminghammail.co.uk/black- … h-25665971

Arrested by…the police…you remember them?
The police…who you say should do the investigation…they have found enough evidence to make an arrest.
I daresay the police, although not infallible, have a better handle on the case than you.
An arrest doesn`t mean the accused is guilty, but there is evidence that is was not an accident.
That evidence is what enabled an arrest to be made.

Calm down dear ffs. :open_mouth:
I thought it was ME that’s the drama queen. :laughing:
Hello pot,.I’m kettle…you’re black. :bulb:

My point was he has been arrested under suspicion, not arrested and charged.
Ok,.so if your link says different,.I’m wrong, it’s just that I usually can’t be arsed to read them.
Apart from that, it couldn’t possibly be an accident seeing that humans were involved. :wink: :smiley:

A little bit of a silly argument you having on here. Does it matter wherever its a accident or collision, its a sad loss of life and it be devastating for all the families involved, including the truck driver if he is at fault.

elsa Lad:
A little bit of a silly argument you having on here. Does it matter wherever its a accident or collision, its a sad loss of life and it be devastating for all the families involved, including the truck driver if he is at fault.

Yep,.and I do agree entirely with your second point.
Tbf I did acknowledge the seriousness of it in my first 2 posts, and I agree maybe this thread is not appropriate to have a ‘silly argument’.

But just to explain, it’s just what me and him do, :smiley:
If Frangers is going to come out with something bloody ridiculous :unamused: , then have a go if I pick him up on it, because it is easier, than trying to explain it,.I’m hardly going to let it go,.knowing that he always likes to be right, and always thinks he’s right even when he’s wrong…and especially as he does not get that if I see I’m annoying him, I’ll just keep.at it . :smiley:
Apologies to everyone else who find it annoying, but just skip past it… :blush: :smiley:

Anyway, he seems to have got away with his humans/accident chestnut and pearl of wisdom :laughing: , so yeh, let’s move on. :smiley:

Don’t know mate, it all sounds a bit pedantic to me anyway.

My point was (also pedantic btw :smiley: ) how can an accident of any type be defined as ‘Not something caused by humans’'.
We will never know. :smiley:



Don’t know mate, it all sounds a bit pedantic to me anyway.

My point was (also pedantic btw :smiley: ) how can an accident of any type be defined as ‘Not something caused by humans’'.
We will never know. :smiley:

Maybe I was too quick to jump,.I see what Frangers meant now.
Why could he not have explained that eh? :laughing:

It is generally accepted that 90%+ of incidents are caused by human error, therefore potentially avoidable.
I was under the impression that LGV drivers are automatically arrested if there is a fatality. However, I have been told that it is only if there are grounds to suspect they could have committed an offence.
A young girl lost her life; the details of how and why are down to investigations by the experts. Meanwhile, RIP young lady; condolences to all concerned.

I’ll leave the accident investigation to the police and not TNUK CSI

They’re called Collision Investigation. :wink:

the nodding donkey:

Don’t know mate, it all sounds a bit pedantic to me anyway.

My point was (also pedantic btw :smiley: ) how can an accident of any type be defined as ‘Not something caused by humans’'.
We will never know. :smiley:

If, whilst driving along, a mechanical failure (blow out, wheel breaking of, brake failure etc etc) cause loss if control and a collision, that would not be caused directly by the human behind the wheel. Likewise, a piece of masonry falling of a building, a tree falling over, etc etc.

Put away the smelling salts.

I propose a new “buzz word bingo” game. First one to get all the usual drama Queens on their card to pipe up in a thread wins…

Cheers ND, I’d kinda put this to bed, but just saw your answer to me,.so I’ll reply anyway.

Tbh I did get that part of it, mainly cos I ain’t stupid, but thanks anyway . :wink:

The part that Frangers highlighted IN RED was… ‘‘Not directly caused by humans’’.
(Can’t believe we’re still analysing it, can’t believe Frangers just won’t admit to making another ridiculous generalised statement, but here goes :unamused: …)

Ok…if I fall asleep at the wheel how is the consequential accident not been caused by a human?

And to get away from road related accidents… /incidents/events/happenings, or whatever tf you want to call them…
If I’m skipping through a field in my hot pants and boots, holding hands with another person (hey don’t judge me, it’s just at weekends :smiley: ) and I trip because I get my feet in a tangle, so we consequently both go arse over ■■■…
How tf is that not caused by humans?

A ridiculous argument, but only started cos I asked for an explanation, so if that makes me a drama queen,.call me Queenie and I’ll put a play on for you. :smiley:

(Smelling salts back in pocket, and good to see you have started off your new game of bingo by participating yourself. :blush: :smiley: )

Deffo done with this now…I hope. :unamused:

Btw…Did the HGV driver get charged with it eventually?