M5 shut j19 to j20 southbound

Severe accident: M5 Somerset northbound

From what the signs were saying at 7am it was closed both ways on that stretch but might have done so initially to remove the chemicals.

As for cause - as ever impossible to say, but would think driver fatigue isn’t going to help. I know the way the agencies try to work, you can end up swapping around your start times between different companies. Maybe it’s time we removed the 9 hour reduced rest as it never takes into account travel time etc.

Looking at this lot very glad I got in and out of Bristol pretty early as saw the traffic coming out by 10am along the M32 was looking very bad.

when i past it northbound around 2.30 they were handballing the stuff off the curtain onto another trailer wearing full b/a gear on

It’s been gridlocked around here today, it took me 45 minutes to travel my 3.5 miles to get home which normally would take 10 minutes at the most, I wasn’t happy :angry: