
Highway to hell, Classic… :smiley: :smiley:


I really wish someone would sort out the M25,last week [Friday]there was a jam as most will know from junction 7 to junction 16,thats got to be around 40 miles or am I wrong,today came back from Bromley and hit the M25 at around 1400 only to hear about another jam from junction 9 to junction 16 and it wasn’t even rush hour,not a day goes by now where we hear about jams on said motorway,not looking forward to tomorrow,M25 again to Essex so another long day watching the digi tach hours go by,when these jams occur why cant they get someone up in a chopper and see whats causing it,[apart from accidents]then they might be able to do something about it long term,i reckon the second worst one has to be the M6

I went past that queue today. The M3 had been closed s/b at bagshot for some reason … couldn’t see any crashed vehicles unless something had left the road. The queue went all the way from there to like you say J9 of the clockwise M25. Plus it’s the great bank holiday get away. I hate the M25 with a passion it’s usually the last bit of my journey when I’ve had a max hours day and it tests my patience

Doh, just seen you posted that yesterday :blush:

not a problem chap,i agree with you about the M25 though

It took 1 hr 10 mins last night to do 5 kms to get through the tolls ,no obvious reason .

tango boy:
Highway to hell, Classic… :smiley: :smiley:

Bearing in mind that the M25 is circular - which junction do you come off at for “hell”? :unamused: :confused:

You’ve got J12 (smells rather sulpherous - like hell!)
or J31 - Dartford Crossing queues…

or my private hell of last night - “J27 exit closed” when I am heading for Newmarket FFS… :imp:

the maoster:
Statistically the third Friday of every month is a busy time on the roads, with the third Friday of August being the busiest. Black Friday tomorrow chaps, take your jimjams with you.

You wasn’t far off the mark :slight_smile: What a day!


the maoster:
Statistically the third Friday of every month is a busy time on the roads, with the third Friday of August being the busiest. Black Friday tomorrow chaps, take your jimjams with you.

You wasn’t far off the mark :slight_smile: What a day!

Today aint a whole lot better either, just come down from Daventry to MK, apart from the normal holidaymakers it also appears that the whole of Yorkshire is heading to Wembley!

At least they’re going to watch a proper mans game. :smiley:


the maoster:
Statistically the third Friday of every month is a busy time on the roads, with the third Friday of August being the busiest. Black Friday tomorrow chaps, take your jimjams with you.

You wasn’t far off the mark :slight_smile: What a day!

Except it seemed to be the M1 last night

eddie snax:

As a very frequent user of the DRC, as i work out of purfleet and live in Dartford, .

Phew, glad you made that clear by mentioning Purfleet and Dartford, I was thinking Democratic Republic of Congo :shock:

On the subject off the M25, I left Bsildon at 11am for Camberley, booked for 1.30pm, arrived at Camberley at 2.30pm. 84 miles in 3hrs 30mins driving, Putting the DRC asside as I joined at 31, the standing traffic started at between Clackets and gate 6, and continued at snails pace right through to the M3 split, hence I’m parked for the night outside customer premises, and will be leaving at 1.30am, in the vein hope everyone else is in bed :unamused:

I make frequent use of DR Congo - For my repeat prescriptions! :smiley:
Had to wait in queue last week though, 'cos Mrs Emma Bola was holding things up in front of me… :open_mouth:

the maoster:


the maoster:
Statistically the third Friday of every month is a busy time on the roads, with the third Friday of August being the busiest. Black Friday tomorrow chaps, take your jimjams with you.

You wasn’t far off the mark :slight_smile: What a day!

Today aint a whole lot better either, just come down from Daventry to MK, apart from the normal holidaymakers it also appears that the whole of Yorkshire is heading to Wembley!

At least they’re going to watch a proper mans game. :smiley:

Is that why they’re hosting it in London instead of up north then? :unamused:

It must be hell using that road all the time but it’s getting like that around Newcastle these days. Yesterday I was in a queue of about 11 cars, lasted about 4 minutes, on the bypass. Nightmare.

(8) Foreigners who have no tax disk on their windscreen

:unamused: I just don’t know where to begin with this one.

The only ones stressing about the traffic are those on weekly/monthly salaries and paid by the job, or on productivity pay, but they have only themselves to blame for letting themselves being taken for a ride by their employers.
Those of us that are on hourly pay, traffic or no traffic doesn’t make any difference, I get paid per hour, so obviously more traffic, more hours I do and more I get paid.
yes, I would much more prefer to drive at a nice speed of 52 mph, but what can I do, traffic is there and is not going anywhere anytime soon, at least I’m getting paid for sitting in it.
I wouldn’t mind some road closures, every now and then, when you could actually stop and sit in traffic for hours, not moving at all.
Tacho on POA, so this way I’m also protecting my hours for future use.
Can’t see what the problem is , really

I am an agency driver,but when I am fully employed I get paid by the hour also,and as an agency,i just absolutely detest sitting in jams,the M25 just seems to be getting worse,it never used to be as bad as it is now

Dave the Renegade:
The M25 seems to be just a ring road for London. The volume of traffic travelling to and from the channel ports/tunnel etc should have a separate motorway,but that will never happen. I don’t know what the answer is.

agree with that


tango boy:
Highway to hell, Classic… :smiley: :smiley:

Bearing in mind that the M25 is circular - which junction do you come off at for “hell”? :unamused: :confused:

You’ve got J12 (smells rather sulpherous - like hell!)
or J31 - Dartford Crossing queues…

or my private hell of last night - “J27 exit closed” when I am heading for Newmarket FFS… :imp:

The M25 isn’t a complete circle as the Dartford crossing is an A road lol :sunglasses:
Every inch of that road is hell in my eyes :cry: :cry:

There are worse places

You could put 10 lanes on each side of the M25 all the way round and even then, in a few years the bits round by Heathrow would still be like they are every afternoon now. There are million people in the south-east and unfortunately the M25 by its very nature figures in the driving habits of many of them, and that’s even before you come to how much freight it carries. Nothing can be done short of building another motorway either above or below it with only a handful of junctions.

The M25 is there to punish those of us for whom motoring is too cheap… :bulb:

The only ones stressing about the traffic are those on weekly/monthly salaries and paid by the job, or on productivity pay, but they have only themselves to blame for letting themselves being taken for a ride by their employers.
Those of us that are on hourly pay, traffic or no traffic doesn’t make any difference, I get paid per hour, so obviously more traffic, more hours I do and more I get paid.
yes, I would much more prefer to drive at a nice speed of 52 mph, but what can I do, traffic is there and is not going anywhere anytime soon, at least I’m getting paid for sitting in it.
I wouldn’t mind some road closures, every now and then, when you could actually stop and sit in traffic for hours, not moving at all.
Tacho on POA, so this way I’m also protecting my hours for future use.
Can’t see what the problem is , really

I’m on hourly pay and it certainely effects me,I spent over 2 hrs getting from the m20 to the tunnel which ate my driving time up,night out in a tin box on a1 with no night out gear .


The only ones stressing about the traffic are those on weekly/monthly salaries and paid by the job, or on productivity pay, but they have only themselves to blame for letting themselves being taken for a ride by their employers.
Those of us that are on hourly pay, traffic or no traffic doesn’t make any difference, I get paid per hour, so obviously more traffic, more hours I do and more I get paid.
yes, I would much more prefer to drive at a nice speed of 52 mph, but what can I do, traffic is there and is not going anywhere anytime soon, at least I’m getting paid for sitting in it.
I wouldn’t mind some road closures, every now and then, when you could actually stop and sit in traffic for hours, not moving at all.
Tacho on POA, so this way I’m also protecting my hours for future use.
Can’t see what the problem is , really

I’m on hourly pay and it certainely effects me,I spent over 2 hrs getting from the m20 to the tunnel which ate my driving time up,night out in a tin box on a1 with no night out gear .

I managed to get to chievley services in the end with about 10 min left of my maximum [15 hrs] fortunately they came and picked me up and got a night driver to drive the wagon back