M25 Road Rage Attack

i had a bad one on friday 3 girls in a car from gloucester to forrest of dean deciding to play chicken with , doing 30 and under in a 50 to start with constantly blowing theis horns , a cop overtook me almost went into her obvisouly thought no one was infront , so i backed let them get on with it until they decided to slam the brakes on in a 30 zone which resulted in me nearly slamming into them!!!
sped up not realising there was traffic lights up front again slammed their brakes so i got out well their faces were innocent what we done so banged on the window shouted so on …
anyway all of a suddeen this guy wips out and take a photos after trhe incident so i questioned him told him what went on as he was on one later to be told his daughter was in the passenger seat ~!!!
he then told me his father and brother were hgv drivers :imp: :imp: :imp:

well it all calmed down with he apogised and id advised him to have a talk to her about it as if was 100% concentrated i have no doubt someone else would have ended flatting in the car plus also i said she got lightly now im not right in the head but no where to stop so dont i told him his face went white…

while writing this im now angry and my blood pressure is up … :grimacing: :grimacing:


From what I can gather from what you’ve written, it sounds as if you have an anger problem and are in the wrong job.

Did it make you feel like a big man to intimidate three young girls by banging on their window and shouting at them? Sure, they were in the wrong from what you’ve said, but things like this happen a lot in the job we do and to react like you did is bang out of order.

It’s not exactly putting our profession in the best light if those photo’s were published of, “a knuckle dragging typical juggernaut driver intimidating car drivers again.”

I think you should learn to chill a bit more and let things wash off you. We all get frustrated in the heat of the moment, I more than most, but we can’t all be jumping out and banging on cars, shouting at the occupants.

What sort of absolute evil gene person would do that to a women!!! If I saw that I would have bitten his ■■■■■■ nose off.

well u lot can think what u like to be honest u telling me it never happened to yourselfs !!!
alright when driving off maybe i did go little to far but somethuing had to said about it .
and as for biting my nose off id like to see that one !!

Well maybe if he hadn’t given them a bit of verbal & they do it to someone else in future who’s not on the ball & doesn’t stop in time, they may not be able to say anything at all or at least have a written off car. He maybe could’ve have got it across calmer but best he says somehting & try and educate…

well u lot can think what u like to be honest u telling me it never happened to yourselfs !!!
alright when driving off maybe i did go little to far but somethuing had to said about it .
and as for biting my nose off id like to see that one !!

Was i talking to you or was i replying to the original post?

But yes, having read back to what you wrote you sound like you are in the wrong job, or the right one depending on which way you look at it as you cant even string a literate sentence together so i doubt you will be much use doing anything else.
Why did something have to be said? You sound like a bit of a bully and if it was 3 blokes in a transit i don’t think you would have even got out the truck.
Why do you think its acceptable to act in that sort manner towards women?

Friday is good for knobbers on the road, always stressed, aggressive and unpredictable.
Makes me smile :smiley:

i doesnt matter who was in the car 4 blokes or 1 woman i would have still made a point on how bad their driving was end off.
■■■■ all wrong with my grammer thanks ok my orignal post was put together ■■■■ i was tamping at the time and wrote it as it was said.
Who R u to judge me M8 im actually in the right job just to let u know and as for beating and shouting at women, im happily married with 1 kid not once have i lost it so if i was u go back and have a long look at what u said befor u judge me ,
as they say dont judge a book by its cover…
End of.

I find it funny that a father appeared from no where taking photos of you. if I was the father I be asking you what your issue is rather then take photos.

Something isn’t right.

i couldnt believe it myself when he told his daughter was the passenger .
what i cant understand with some people on here they think im lying !!
iv got a lot better things to do then rant about what happened, i wasnt going to do it until i seen this post and thought i got to get it off my big chest!!
im new to this site and u lot r suely putting me off it … :imp:

end of now.

i couldnt believe it myself when he told his daughter was the passenger .
what i cant understand with some people on here they think im lying !!
iv got a lot better things to do then rant about what happened, i wasnt going to do it until i seen this post and thought i got to get it off my big chest!!
im new to this site and u lot r suely putting me off it … :imp:

end of now.

Shall we look at why you might not be believed? In your first post on this thread

i had a bad one on friday 3 girls in a car from gloucester to forrest of dean deciding to play chicken with , doing 30 and under in a 50 to start with constantly blowing theis horns , a cop overtook me almost went into her obvisouly thought no one was infront , so i backed let them get on with it until they decided to slam the brakes on in a 30 zone which resulted in me nearly slamming into them!!!

A police vehicle comes past you and nearly collides with the vehicle driven in an erratic way because the police driver didn’t think there was any one in front. If the visibility past you was impaired by your vehicle than I doubt the copper would have made that overtake any way and given the number of bends on those roads I am sure that the police driver would have had plenty of chances to see in front of you, unless you were tailgating the car in front. You then tell us that you backed off but, in spite of the previous erratic driving you failed to forsee that the behaviour would be repeated and nearly ran into their vehicle. Where was the copper? Between you and said vehicle or long gone?

sped up not realising there was traffic lights up front again slammed their brakes so i got out well their faces were innocent what we done so banged on the window shouted so on …

How does this look like anything other than a man out of control having lost his temper?

anyway all of a suddeen this guy wips out and take a photos after trhe incident so i questioned him told him what went on as he was on one later to be told his daughter was in the passenger seat ~!!!

A man unknown to you before hand takes photos of a man banging on a car with 3 young women inside shouting goodness knows what and you questioned him? Who appointed you the sheriff? If it were my daughter in the car I’d have been doing the same and ringing the police to report threatening behaviour.

well it all calmed down with he apogised and id advised him to have a talk to her about it as if was 100% concentrated i have no doubt someone else would have ended flatting in the car plus also i said she got lightly now im not right in the head but no where to stop so dont i told him his face went white…

If a man, unknown to me, behaving in such a thugish manner was going off on one I might just apologise to take heat out of the situation but listen to or take seriously advise from someone, by his own admission, “not right in the head” no. I’m not surprised his face went white, fear can do that when violence is not in your own nature.

You sir are damned by your own account and the tone that you have adopted trying to defend your actions only add weight to the belief that you behaved like a bully with a warped moral compass.

i take it im guilty as charged then MR judge the wiretwister, im starting to believe maybe u r a cooper anyway i wont be coming back to this site pity really when u got bullys like yourself on keyboards .

thank god…

end ofthe day i only voiced what i had seen and happened , u can call me what u like to be honest i dont really care because i have no doubt that maybe yourself or someone else has been in the same situation.

i dont know who u think u r mind sitting behind your keyboard u like some sort off judge the way u broken down my rant.
To be honest u making yourself look like a bully now .
by the way who do u drive 4 mr twist …
and as for the cooper it was a traffic car BMW to be precise and there were just having a laugh as he spun around and 2 coppers were joking in it by that packing place on the bends just so u THE KEYBOARD JUDGE can maybe put this case to rest…
i hope i cross your path one day JUDGE maybe u can wrap my knuckles, now that i would enjoy :laughing: :laughing:

To be honest u making yourself look like a bully now.

No, I don’t see it. He’s expressing his opinion on your post.

i hope i cross your path one day JUDGE maybe u can wrap my knuckles, now that i would enjoy :laughing: :laughing:

Really? I mean, really? You don’t see the irony here? Perhaps you really did threaten and intimidate three young girls in a car, you sound that brave and tough.

Yea it might be my old lady you intimidating ■■■■■■. Frightening for older women to see tossers like you! Get a proper life!

and as for the cooper it was a traffic car BMW to be precise

FYI a Cooper makes wooden barrels, a Policeman, who is colloquially known as a Copper drives a traffic car. Now that’s being precise.

As for your threats to never return, that’s your call. You could by all means stick around and continue to post. There are no rules that your posts have to be sensible either, so you should fit in well.

However it may be useful to consider that people also have the right to reply to your posts. They are allowed to disagree and even poke fun at your posts if they so desire, especially if you post something controversial, so long as they stick within the site rules.

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