
btw ady what truck was that.
I was wondering how you guys got such good fuel economy then I clicked re your speed limit and the high cost of fue.l I paid hmmm I paid 46 pence per liter this week
thanks for the links re conversions.

m.a.n tga 350

Limestone Cowboy:
:lol: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

SAFED Driver Training Instructor if you don’t mind :exclamation: :wink: :laughing:

My instructor is not talking to me !
one the 1st run i got 7.9(my way) AFTER TRAINING on the
second run i got 7.8!!! :blush: :blush: :blush:

Failing that, Google the convertor you want and get the figures from there to use later. :wink:

Why not just let Google do the work for you?

Type “223 kilometres in miles” (without the quotes)

and “77 litres in imperial gallons” (again, without the quotes)

and Google will give you the answers. Then divide miles by gallons to give you miles per gallon.

Hmmm…Never thought of that… :bulb: :grimacing: :grimacing: