grumpy old man:
A few months ago I had a ride (not driving) a new Scaniaye gods, it was like rolling about in a boat, I’d no idea what the gearbox was doing, and going down the hill into Dewsbury I genuinely feared for my life because I didn’t think it would stop, I mentioned to the young fella who was driving “do you know what brake fade is”? all he did was smile.
No, however much money they are on, I’ve no desire to go back.
I had a pop at the bloody twerp who took the first (and the only one that company did for my firm) DCPC session about this, he reckoned he was a HGV driving instructor too, i hope not.
Kept waffling on about brakes to slow gears to go, how marvellous modern brakes are so no need for all this downchanging etc…i got thoroughly fed up listening to it, so as usual just had to stick me tuppenceworth in.
I asked him about the theoretical young bloke who he ‘‘trained’’ who was lucky enough to get a job a week later on artic tippers away up in The Peaks, there he is 44 ton gross going down a nice 1 in 9 hill towards a sleepy Derbyshire village, the brakes coping admirably, as they might well do now if everything’s hunky dory (though why it should be desirable, indeed approved to put your vehicle through this hell i haven’t a bloody clue)…
then i asked him what was this lad to do if the yellow line snapped and he’s going too fast (because his brakes are wonderful and should be used exclusively to slow you down) and now speeding up in too a high gear with already red hot tractor brakes…
that didn’t end too well, he spluttered some bilge about the likes of Stobbies training drivers to drive their way, WTF that had to do with the question i posed and this young lad about to clean a village up i have no idea.