Shouldn’t companies have disciplinary procedures for such things. Sounds like a verbal or written warning would be the most he should get. Theoretically
Yes, but it would depend very much on their interpretation of what’s what. If the TM really wanted to put the boot in it could be construed as failing to take proper care of company property; before the hair-splitters jump on this I know the card technically belongs to the fuel company but the haulier is ultimately responsible for any misuse.Outcome could also hinge on whether this was a first ■■■■-up or the latest in a line of same.
I’d go along with what others have said though; thankfully we are all human and can make mistakes, and if his TM’s half decent he’ll understand this. Worst the lad should get is a bollocking.
Your company isn’t liable for any fuel drawn from the moment it’s reported… If they are unable to put a stop on the card straight away, that’s the card company’s problem, not your firms.
Funny you should mention that…i found a card in a machine, and the pin was written on the back…so thanks a lot, i am now 900 litres richer…wow, i am so excited…sorry if you lose your job, but next time be careful…whoopee…whoopee
Hope you never lose your ■■■■■■■ card eh!
Anyway, on a lighter note, you wont lose ya job, if everyone who lost a poxy fuel card in one day did lose their job, it would be thousands more on the dole que every day.
Funny you should mention that…i found a card in a machine, and the pin was written on the back…so thanks a lot, i am now 900 litres richer…wow, i am so excited…sorry if you lose your job, but next time be careful…whoopee…whoopee
Hope you never lose your [zb] card eh!
Anyway, on a lighter note, you wont lose ya job, if everyone who lost a poxy fuel card in one day did lose their job, it would be thousands more on the dole que every day.