Looking after number one

there is many people that would kill to sit in the seat that us drivers call work just saying


Yep I will elaborate, this must be the only trade that people accept disgusting conditions for very low pay. Pay is one thing but it’s also how you are valued by society and other workers. Is it ok that because you are a driver you are lowest in the food chain? Has nobody got the galls to say “no”?

As i have put many times conditions for drivers will never change when you have drivers who will work for frilly curtains or more lights instead of wages.

  • 1
    Very true mac12

a, drivers will never stick together so deal with it.
b, as mentioned wages etc are discussed at interview if you dont like it leave/find new job.
c, if you want respect then maybe trucking is a bad choice of career.
d, who gives a ■■■■ what a security guard/pensioner on her way to get a pension thinks?

and the age old arguement what you see as ‘acceptable’ wage wise maybe a kings ransom to another or a pittance, drivers seem to take different jobs for different reasons.

not all drivers can afford to strike enev if it had a chance of improvements.