Let’s hope it dosnt take another 21 to get to Bristol now your back I the good old UK on a Friday. Have good weekend
Typical driver, always moaning it can’t be done, then it’s all fine![]()
You won’t ever find me saying something can’t be done. 750 horses under the right foot makes most things possible.
1,750km in 21 hours driving
You’ve got to admit Euro motorways are b****y good…BTW what was the route?
JLS Driver SOS:
Maybe get a piece of cardboard write on it, in Hungarian “Free Coke” and get your arse back to Bristol, silly but tempting.Let me help: “INGYEN KÓLA!”
You’d be very popular then or very un popular when people realise it’s the drink & not the marching powder you’re handing out!
No worries, I’m wery well in Hungarian language…: Kóla=Coke Kokó=Cocaine…