Longest Wait

3 HOURS!! and I was really getting peed by this time!! :unamused:

39 hours at ryvita in poole. I was 3 hours early though :open_mouth:

blast from the PAST! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

not quite the same, but 7 of us took some machinery to Albasserdam then sat there for 9 days (Should have been 6 but the job got delayed ) until its was done with and bought it home- 9 days on the lash and on pay :slight_smile: - but as I said not quite the same as waiting to load/tip

Supposed to have this weekend off in Bristol too.

Just out of interest Luke where in Bristol were you hoping to get a backload for ? And will you be parking in your usual place in Bristol ?

ā€¦and some very old ship in the old harbour.

Thatā€™ll be the SS Great Britain Tobes.

The punishment bay for being late at the old Woolworths in Swindon.6 to 8 hours waiting there was normal.
Those pillars and posts took many rear doors off.

Had few long waits, for various reasons, RDC incompetence, machinery breakdown, but the longest was only about 12 hours. So canā€™t compete with yours.

However reading your post did make me think of something posted on another thread yesterday by a member of this forum who seems to think European work is the be all and end all of haulage. Iā€™ll leave you to work out if he has a clue what heā€™s talking about and who he might be, give you something to do to pass the hours. :laughing:

distance European full load work is really as good as it gets and everything else is just lots of aggravation and/or boredom for the same,or even less,money in real terms

Someone whoā€™s only experince of lorry driving is driving a grittier for the council and night trunking.
From what I read on these threads unless you are doing something a bit unusual euro work seems in general to be pretty low paid compared to most UK work.

Those pillars and posts took many rear doors off

Or door mirror in my case :blush: Iā€™d done a lovely job reversing the A frame drag onto a bay then went to put the rigid on another bay and caught the nearside ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  mirror and it ended up hanging on by a thread. :imp: :blush:

My worst wait was 8 hours at Tescos Chilled at Rugby. Other than that I was held four and a half hours at Keystone in Hemel for six pallets, but that was punishment as when I worked for McDonalds I barred the goods in guy from site after he turned to three hours late, dumped the stock at the bottom of a hill and refused to either put it back on the wagon and take it to the delivery point or help me push it up hill!

Things can be worse though. We have ten guys that are being vetted to deliver to a big development in London for Uncle Sam. They have been told that once they arrive on site they are to expect to be there for up to three days at a time! Glad it isnā€™t me thats doing the job but I bet the gaffer is rubbing his hands at the thought of the demurrage on that job.

My longest wait:
Two whole weeks in the Iberian Peninsula as export loading is only Friday nights at Porto.
I was down in Lisbon.Sat for a week.No call.
Next week the same.
Freight forwarders were cheeky.Told to do some collections around the Lisbon area,assuming it is going on my trailer back to the UK.
I get to the groupage warehouse.They take the cargo off to put it on some other trailer.

Look on the bright side Luke, David and Ruth will be there in a couple of weeks, maybe they could bring you a food parcel? :slight_smile:


8 hours
Belling Enfield

Mine was only 6 hours at john cottons in mirfield, but that was enough. I bet Bertie is loving it. He hates Bristol.

Mine was only 6 hours at john cottons in mirfield, but that was enough. I bet Bertie is loving it. He hates Bristol.

He might be living there soon so he best get used to it

He might run away, I mean roll away. Enjoy the videos Luke, very entertaining

I thought Don Bur, at Stoke were bad, but they pale into insignificance beside some of these stories.

I thought Don Bur, at Stoke were bad,

Don Bur are bad, they make the worst crappiest trailers ive ever had the misfortune to pull. Do they know what a spirit level is? The bumpers on ours are nearly touching the ground.

Rant overā€¦as you were!


I thought Don Bur, at Stoke were bad,

Don Bur are bad, they make the worst crappiest trailers ive ever had the misfortune to pull. Do they know what a spirit level is? The bumpers on ours are nearly touching the ground.

Rant overā€¦as you were!

I bet they use nyloc nutā€™s though and are built in Europeā€¦

LAGā€™s tautlinerā€™s are built in china, (no Iā€™m not joking), and not a single nyloc nut or locking washer on the trailer any where, spent over an hour going around the trailer tightening the boltā€™s up, itā€™s shockingā€¦

I once spent a full week in Hungaryā€¦but I was touring with my band (technically working, we were getting paid!) so it probably doesnā€™t count. :laughing:

All this time youā€™ve been driving around Europe and still you donā€™t have a bike strapped to the unit. Think of how good youā€™d be a wheelying by now after this wait :laughing:

Longest for me was 12 hours, didnā€™t bother me in the slightest.